Why what you wear is important

A little while ago I watched a nice episode of a reality TV series on Netflix called  Queer Eye. It's an award winning show. It consists of five style experts (who happen to be gay) who go around transforming lives, forging relationships with people who have completely different beliefs from them. It was all about helping people to be the best they can be---transforming them from inside, helping them get a makeover for themselves, for their homes, for their life itself.

Click HERE for a trailer which tells you more about the show.

Coincidentally, this morning I also got featured on a fashion blog.

You can click HERE to read the above piece. I have  elaborated on about what my personal style means to me and have described in detail how I like to dress.

I believe it is extremely important to dress well.

Do watch the above Ted x talk by Stasia Savasuk. It is inspiring and I completely agree with what Stasia says.

When you dress well, you feel confident. Dressing well isn't about wearing the most expensive designer label. It is about finding out what works for you, and choosing clothes according to your own unique personality. It is putting together, various elements that express YOU.

When you dress well, you are also caring for yourself.  Sometimes, when we get busy with life, when we become mothers, or when we are so busy chasing our dream (maybe preparing for an exam or interview) we neglect that self care. Sometimes, there really is 'no occasion' to dress up. Sometimes  we have been so busy with other happenings that our wardrobes are stuffed and messy and  we end up wearing whatever is on top, over and over.

I am a huge fan of Marie Kondo and when I read her book (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up)  a couple of years ago, it really did transform the way I organised everything in my home. Now, ever so often I  spring-clean my wardrobe, and give away stuff I no longer wear.

For me, my job consists of working long hours by myself. So I don't have to really bother how I dress, as I am all by myself. My work is such.  But when I dress well, my mood is instantly elevated. It doesn't matter whether the world sees it or not. When I look into the mirror, I should like what I see! I also walk my dog 2-3 times a day, and so I am often in shorts and a t shirt. But I ensure that they are ones that are stylish, comfortable and make me feel op top of the world! I have noticed that dressing well can be an instant mood elevator.

I think age also has something to do with it. I am 47 now, and very confident in the way I dress, the way I carry myself, my general outlook and what I want from life. I do not think I was this confident when I was younger. I am in a happy place now----and for that I am grateful.

As always I look forward to your thoughts on this.
Till tomorrow, may your sartorial choices bring you joy! :)

 ps: I am  very happy today. TWO books of mine came in today's Nielsen chart of highest selling titles in the country.
Get it: preeti.io/awake


  1. Very nice article mam. I have been trying to work on my dressing sense but I really feel at loss and how to kno what suits you. Be it jewellery or formal or casual wears...

  2. Congratulations for both the books in the list. I loved these lines,"Dressing well isn't about wearing the most expensive designer label. It is about finding out what works for you, and choosing clothes according to your own unique personality" which says it all.

  3. That's true, I certainly believe dressing well is also a way of self love. And congratulations for both your books.

  4. Hey Preeti,

    I too am a firm believer of dressing the way it 'looks and feels good to you'. And precisely for this reason, I shop alone when it comes to my wardrobe and I ask the opinion only of one person the one looking back it me from the mirror. And she always has a yes or no for each look, no gray areas, hence decision making has never been difficult when it comes to shopping! My friends and colleagues always admire my dressing sense and many times ask where I shop and it turns out that its the same places where all of them shop, but when I let out my secret of shopping alone, many ask questions like 'Is n't it boring? Don't you need a second opinion ? ' Don't you get confused between the myriad options to choose etc. But my answer has always been the same. I either like something or not like it, there is nothing in between. Like all your other articles, when it comes from you it can inspire a lot more people :) ~ Indu.

    1. Hello Indu,
      Your reply has inspired me a lot. I am in a situation where I don't have any one to accompany me for a second opinion. You are lucky to have a clear head when it comes to choosing your outfits. But I think this is what I should start doing. Just walk in the stores and spend some time strolling around...randomly picking up some stuff that attracts me and head straight towards the trial rooms to get my own verdict about my choice. Thank you!
      Love, Alka.

    2. Hi Alka,

      I am glad I inspired someone today:). I typed this reply long back, but it somehow never got published. This time I'll make sure that it goes through.

    3. Yes, your reply reached me this time :)

  5. Hi Preeti,
    Personally, I have been living in PJs, jeggings and a typical mum bun since I stepped into Motherhood. I am stuck with this 'anything anywhere' kind of wardrobe owing to it's ease and comfort. I don't recognize my recent self from my past always-in-vogue version. But have been thinking to free myself from this self imposed eternal casual look. After many years now I've begun to notice Nature's fashion sense when it's style changes as seasons change from autumn to spring and winter to summer. This inner conflict within my self to wake up and dress up to greet my new day has been growing strong and today your post has added zeal to it. I agree with you when you say...when you dress well it uplifts your mood! Thanks a lot for that much needed kick.
    You have a distinct style of your own that suits you (in your own words) and we all must have. This demeanor is what sets us aside from the rest of the species on Earth. We humans have a natural urge to look and feel good.

    I too follow Marie Condo. But all my efforts disappear like sand dunes in a desert. The house is ever messy revealing the story of my failed attempts as against my super charged kids. But I know it's a temporary phase until they are young ;)

    I have again written a short reply on your previous blog post. Hope you go back and read it.

    Love, Alka.

    —-> wake up , life is calling <—
    —-> Preeti Shenoy <————

    To start with, I would directly jump to the two points which killed me while reading it instead of saying that this book is sequel for LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT OR ITS FEMALE VOICE STORY or
    The story was justified as a sequel

    1) Come back of lead character “Ankita” gives hope for many people who HAD A HAND SHAKE WITH “”DEATH BED “”

    2) MRS. HAYDEN who is professor and her part of story left WATER IN MY EYE .

    *******Yes few book and few narrations make us CRY. .. sometime you feel to Meet the characters and console them ,laugh with them and say them it’s going to be Ok **************************

    I SUGGEST ONLY FEE BOOKS OUT OF MANY I READ , if you are a book lover or not have a look at this book and FEEL HER ( Ankita)

  7. Dear Preeti. I really appreciate your dressing style. You look great in casuals and in formals. When it comes to traditional wear, you look stunning in the Saree and Oxidized jewelry. I think the trademark bindi is what adds the extra beauty to your face. When it comes to fashion, I can be a huge zero since I do not like shopping unless I really need to shop. My fashionistas in the family are my Mom and my husband. Their tastes are really exquisite, so whatever they buy for me is unique and special. My wardrobe speaks volumes all thanks to them. Once again, a very nice post.


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