Illegal entrants--a poem

Are now constant companions 
Travelling with me
Within me
They have made themselves comfortable

They arrived as tourists
On a travellers  visa
But somehow managed to linger on
No force could banish them

My heart , my thoughts
Are yours now
My soul
Subsumed, consumed, blazing

I live in restless hope
I  longingly dream 
Of making the journey
Across the miles
The desire to be with you 
And to linger on.

Just like my  travelling companions
I hope
To stay
Till eternity 
In your arms.

 ps: This was a poem commissioned by Conde Nast traveller
        **************© 2019 Preeti Shenoy


For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.

© 2014 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission. - See more at:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Preeti,
    Beautiful poem spilling a yearning heart to go beyond the borders and be with the beloved. The personification of emotions and feelings as co-travelers while remembering a loved one adds up to the imagery and heart ache. The more I read it the more I want to revisit it. Loved the title "Illegal entrants" :)
    Love, Alka.

  3. Meaningful Poem.👏😍

  4. Hi Preeti,

    Alka has already expressed all that I felt on reading this beautiful poem with a nice photo and I am left with nothing more to write except that I enjoyed each and every moment of reading the poem. As usual on reading the poem, I traveled with the protagonist and her fellow travelers on visitor's visa enjoyed the imaginary journey too as much as the poem :)~ Indu.

    1. Thanks Indu for reading my words as yours :) Our thoughts do reverberate dear!
      I think you would like to read my poem "Reality Vs Dream" too that I posted on my blog. It's one of my few poems published recently in an anthology.
      Love, Alka.


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