Hope is a happy place

I don't have happy things to write today
I don't have anything I want to say
I don't have words to express this
Darkness  merging into oceanic abyss

I don't have hate to consume me
I don't have enough love to let it be
I don't have passion to see this through
If only I could go back, start anew

Half formed regrets gnaw at the soul
Where there was my  heart, there's a hole
If  my wings weren't clipped I'd reach for the sky
I'd fly, fly, fly to you---in the blink of an eye

Instead I  tightly pack away my dreams
My heart echoing my silent screams
A manufactured smile now plastered across my face
Empty eyes but  hey it's okay--Hope is a happy place


        **************© 2019 Preeti Shenoy


For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash


  1. Beautiful and meaningful poem.šŸ‘

  2. So deep and meaningful...could resonate my hidden deep feelings...thank you for writing so well

  3. Nice poem on one of 'those' days!

  4. Hi Preeti,
    Loved this poetical blog post today. Food for my soul literally. Needed some inspiration and mood to harp on a writing assignment...This is exactly what charmed me like a snake charmer's "Pungi"...I am at it now...Thanks a lot Preeti... !
    Loved the way you enveloped all that was gloomy through out with just one single positive word 'Hope" to sum it up. It's beautiful and resonating.
    Love, Alka.

    1. hahaha..Had never heard the word 'pungi' before :) Am glad it inspired you, Alka! <3 Thank you!!

    2. I am glad you heard it now. Pungi is local name of a musical instrument that the saperaa (snake charmer) plays. It's also called "Been" in hindi. It's predominantly used in our Bollywood where there are 'Nagin" song and dance.

  5. I don't have words to enunciate
    I don't have power reach upto
    I don't have a persona to exhibit
    I don't have eyes to fathom

    The poem so deep touched me there
    Your talent so vast thatI want more everytime
    Your books so real but I'll be your true critic
    Your heart so pure , you're beautiful inside out

    1. Awwww...that's the nicest compliment ever. Thank you so very much Rakhi!

  6. Wow..
    That's so deep..
    My fav line is 'I don't have enough love to let it be'

  7. Lovely words to walk us through one of 'those' days

  8. I'd fly, fly, fly to you- in the blink of an Eye ❤️

  9. Beautiful poem ma’am that too after a long time


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