A Fabulous turnout for Wake Up Life Is Calling. Thank you Coimbatore!

Just had an OUTSTANDING event at Coimbatore!  You can spot me and my publisher Arup Bose, sitting  amongst the audience, in the above pic. We posed for this photo, after the event. I have an early morning flight to catch tomorrow, and will also  post more pics, and more updates tomorrow, as I am on choppy hotel wifi.

Today we made cherished memories!
I love you, Coimbatore. You guys were so GOOD to me! <3

Bye for now :)


  1. Wow fabulous.
    How are you today?
    Hope you are feeling better.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Preeti,
    Happy to know that you had a successful event...I mean 'Full House' gathering. And you pulled it so well. No one can tell that you were poorly just a day ago. Hope you are feeling better. Coincidently, I had just logged in my Facebook page when you went live. What luck!!! I watched a glimpse of your evening and got to know more about the title and cover of your book. I am developing a kind of affinity with you in this process of reading your posts and commenting religiously :) Hope you've read my comment on your previous post too.
    Love, Alka.

    1. Hey alka!
      Thank you for watching the FB live! I did read your lovely comment on the last post. But was't able to reply as I had a 4.00 am flight, and was also unwell.Now am fine :)
      Will catch up with replying!

  4. Good to know that the event went well..


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