A happy day of SON-shine :)

Hey there!

Mothers and sons always have a special bond. (Just like mothers and daughters do)

I am super super excited just now, as I am leaving for the airport, to receive my son. It's been almost 6 months since I saw him. My daughter will come home probably next month or so. Some of you who have been following this blog might remember that he was scouted by a modelling agency in Singapore, while was walking out from the gym. He didn't even intend to take part!

He was one of the finalists in Singapore's face of the year model hunt. I had attended his first ramp show, and had even live-streamed it from Singapore (so my mom  in Kerala could watch it as it happened!) You can click HERE to see his profile.

My son is totally into fitness and riding. He was the one who taught me how to ride is KTM RC 390 :) (I never thought I would be able to ride a sports bike).  Here is the video  of me riding :)

My son also LOVES animals and he is the gentlest, kindest and most considerate soul I have ever met. I am waiting so eagerly! We do a lot of fun stuff together, and I would probably be sharing it on my Instagram in my stories.

I will write a longer post tomorrow. But for today, I am sharing just a picture, which I hope makes up for the brevity of this post :) (and of course I shared my biking video too)

Got to run!
Bye for now


  1. I remember reading in your book " 36 Bubblegums and Candies" how you fell from the cycle and took a vow not to try again. Today in your post, I am surprised to see a confident woman riding the sports bike. Good Going.... :) I still wonder did you try riding the cycle again..... ;)

    Have a wonderful time :)

    1. Hi! I LOVE cycling and have been riding a cycle since the age of FOUR :) I still cycle. Have posted stories on my insta where I cycle 14-15 kms a day.
      What you read in 34 b and c is an account of trying to ride a Motorbike for the first time :)
      Do read the revised version Love A Little Stronger

  2. Hey Preeti,
    That's just awesome to see your cute 'Mother-Son' relationship. The bond with a son is different as the things we do with them are different. I am experiencing this first hand too as I have one each and I thank God for giving me this rare combo of twins - a girl and a boy. What more could I have asked for!!!
    I admire your fitness level and your free spirit to try everything in life. And biking is the best way to bond with your son. Hope I am that fit to enjoy all this when my son grows up. But for now I am happy running after his scooter rides ;)
    You have a handsome boy...Congratulations to him for making it up to the final round. May God bless him. He has just begun...Infinite opportunities wait for him!!!
    Love, Alka.

    1. You are indeed BLESSED Alka! Boy and a girl twins--such a rare combination indeed. Oh you *will* be fit. You strike me as that sort of a person who will take care of her health.
      Many thanks for your wishes. Highly appreciated.

  3. A Blog post dedicated to Son followed by one for daughter! Was so pleasantly surprised to seeing you riding a sports bike. I play basketball, ride bikes, do swimming etc. with my son, but to be truthful never imagined myself riding a sportsbike. Seeing this, I am inspired to try this also sometime. Hope you have a great time with you son ~ Indu.

    1. Thank you Indu! I too never thought I would be able to ride a 390cc bike! But I did. Thanks to him.
      Thanks so much for your wishes.

  4. I am waiting for the longerpost on mom and son's bonding as I have a son too...would love to read it


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