How hard are you willing to crack the whip?

Whiplash --a movie which I watched recently left me thinking. How far is a person willing to go to achieve the pinnacle of success? Where does one draw the line to achieve excellence? What price are you willing to pay, to make it worth it for you?  Does success demand great sacrifice?

If you haven't watched it, do watch the movie. It is a movie that makes you uncomfortable, and makes you think. I will not go into details about the movie, for fear of spoilers.

Personally, I believe that in order to achieve success in any field, one has to continuously be at it. Especially when the going gets tough or seems impossible. You have to have a spirit of 'I will never give up, no matter what.'  It is persisting even when everything seems bleak.

As a writer, I have face innumerable rejections. My book Life Is What You make It was rejected more than 40 times--not only by Indian publishers but also publishers abroad. Today, it has sold close to a million copies and continues to top the bestseller list week after week.  I remember how dejected I used to feel each time a rejection email arrived. I also  knew I did not want to take the path of self-publishing. (If you are a serious writer, I would suggest you do NOT self-publish, instead wait till you are accepted by a traditional publisher.)

I wish I could tell you it is  easy. But it isn't. There are no short cuts. It is just persisting and persisting, even when all hope dies. It is waiting patiently till a small crack of light appears.

I posted a video today of me working, on my instagram which I am sharing here. My son shot this one, while I was writing.

When we look at anyone who is on top of their field, we often forget the amount of TIME and EFFORT they have put in. We do not see the tears of frustration, the frightening all consuming self-doubts, the pain, the persistence, the will to go on even when the end is nowhere in site. They make it look easy and effortless. But it isn't!

If you wish to be at the top--one has to be prepared for a lot of sacrifices, effort and discipline. There are no shortcuts, and that is an uncomfortable truth.  
Whiplash reflects this.

ps:  Wake Up Life is Calling has received Over 300 fivestar ratings on Flipkart. Grab it at 108/-  and pay cash on delivery:


  1. Great post mam. I have read all your post during this marathon..and I m kind of sad as the month end is approaching because that would mean the blog marathon will also come to an end. I know I am being selfish. Because as much as I enjoy reading your posts I know there is a lot of hard work involved from your end.

    1. Thanks so much Shally. Indeed a LOT of work! But very encouraging to read your comments.

  2. Wonderful post and absolute truth.

    What everyone sees in a person is a smiling and calm face thinking everything comes easy but not the struggle and sweat put in.

    Whiplash - Terrific trailer.

  3. Hi Preeti,
    It's a trailer which instantly sweeps you off your feet and splits your brain to pieces. It takes a few seconds to be back to feel your skin again. Thanks for smashing video. Truly like we say in Hindi, "Aag mein tap kar hi kundan sona banta hai" There is no substitute to hard work and persistence. To face and conquer life we have to train ourselves like a black cat commando...Nothing less. Only then, one can aim and aspire to touch the pinnacle. You are proving this by your own example. Even I have worked to this same mad limit to achieve things in my life. Nothing was and is easy. Even a baby gets milk when s/he how can you expect life to drop candies in your mouth with out you reaching out for it. The amount of work you wish to put into it depends on how passionately you feel about it. It's all subjective and can't be calculated as less or more.
    I agree with you on self publishing thing. There is really no short cut to success. It's a cliche yet I am saying it because it stands eternally true today and will always be. Thanks for this bold, "uncoated with sweetness" and a straight advice. We all deserve the output in proportion to the input we have put in our lives.
    Love, Alka.

    1. Hi Alka.
      Now I regret putting the trailer because I feel it contained spoilers! Do watch the movie.
      And you know what--I read your comment last night on my phone. And I read candies as Candles..and that imagery left me a bit puzzled. I am smiling now as I type this.

    2. Dear Preeti,
      In fact, I now want to watch the movie because you put up its trailer here.
      Ha ha ha... Candles instead of Candies....Really so weird to even imagine ;) I am laughing too now...Glad you shared it with me :)
      Love, Alka.

  4. Another awe inspiring post which reached my inbox just in time. I was doing some paperwork to renew my work permit which is a pretty mundane work which we have to go through every 3 years. And I saw that your masterpiece "Life is What you make it" was rejected more than 40 times which took me by surprise first, but quickly realized this is the story of many successful authors in getting their first few books published. That you tried even after so many rejections is making my mundane work look kinda sexy now :). Well that was an overkill, but this certainly gave me a much needed energy boost. Thanks to You ~ Indu

    1. hahaha...May your work permit be sexily renewed!

  5. Hello Mam, your article was just amazing. I even read your book wake up life is calling. I can tell that nothing could be better than those lovely stories u have presented , I just simply love it.
    Mam in your this article u have mentioned that you somehow not prefer self publishing. But mam this can be good alternative for some who really wish to start something of their own. Like right now , I really dont have that much resources nor contacts to really reach to well accomplished traditional publishers. It could be a little easy for me atleast to start with , I can self publish my own work. Mam what do u think about my thought or idea... I would love to know


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