A fun fun post for Sunday.

For the last many years now, whenever I do a blog marathon, I always do a post from Sunday Stealing.
Since I haven't t done one this time, I thought I would do it today. Every Sunday, Sunday Stealing puts up a nice set of questions, which bloggers then answer on their own blogs, and leave a link at the original post, so others can blog-hop and read  other people's answers. It's great fun!

I am copy pasting today's questions  (and I am also giving my answers below)

Today's Sunday stealing is from  From Unconscious Mutterings.

Instructions:   There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one word responses; just say everything that pops into your head.  Thanks to The Gal Herself for the suggestion.

I say ... and you think ... ?

    Hurry! :: Bon Jovi from It's my life

    Dumb :: The movie Dumb and Dumber, which I never watched!

    Fudge :: Something  sweet and chocolatey that sticks to your teeth.

    Sturdy ::  My grandfather's antique table which I inherited and still use.

    Printing ::  My next book and the printing presses that I visited at Manipal and Delhi

    Itch :: Itchy itchy ithchabod from Dr.Suess

    Creaks :: 'Where is the oiling can? Let's fix it.'

    Paste :: Tooth paste or sticking things into scrapbook?

    Waste of time :: Television

    Let down :: What Ankita feels is Wake Up Life Is Calling.


    Cancellation :: Jet airways flights!

    Suspect :: Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie

    Fireplace :: England and my home there.

    Spring :: Beautiful!

    Commute :: Andheri to Churchgate fast train ;-)

    Places :: So many visited, so many yet to visit.

    Fraud ::  Nirav and Vijay and Harshad (many years back)

    Adoption :: A great way to spread love, and the noblest of acts.

    Election :: God--when will it end?

    Moving day ::  Nightmare!!!

I have tried to make today's post light and fun.
Hope you enjoyed it :)
More tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for visiting Sunday Stealing! Come back again some time!

  2. Oh that brownie makes me hungry! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  3. Hi Preeti,
    Discovered a new thing today on your blog. Will try to do it on my Blog. Weekends are my busiest days of the week so will be a bit difficult to steal and bring myself to these Sunday Steal questions. But hope to do it somehow. Thanks a lot for opening this beautiful lane to fun blogging.
    Your answers are witty and fun. Loved these GIFs :)
    Love, Alka.

  4. Loved the illustrations to go with the answers. Always nice to see a different space on Sunday Stealing.

  5. A fun and refreshing post for Sunday. Loved your witty impromptu answers ~ Indu.

  6. Hurry - Before you get late!

    Dumb - How some people behave when they want to fool you.

    Fudge - The Book series by Judy Blume

    Sturdy - Reminds me of furniture.

    Printing - Press

    Itch - The 7 Year Itch

    Creaks - Old wooden floors

    Paste - Aapka Toothpaste main naamak hai?

    Waste of Time - Thinking about the past

    Let down - people when you trust them too much.

    Cancellation - Jet Airways

    Suspect - Mystery Movies and Books

    Fireplace - USA and Christmas Time

    Spring - Beautiful Flowers

    Commute - Cab Rides to and fro work in Bangalore

    Places - Endless list

    Fraud - Money Transactions

    Adoption - Pets or Children or Home - A wonderful deed to do.

    Election - Not again!

    Moving Day - Say good bye to the old and hello to the new.

  7. Cute and lovely post..
    Sunday stealing.. A new thing learned..
    High five Preeti.. <3 <3


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