The Bangalore celebration of #WakeUpLifeIsCalling

I have just got back from the Bangalore celebration of my book Wake Up Life is Calling.
To say that it went splendidly would be an undestatement.
The official pictures will come soon, meanwhile I am sharing a few pics which I liked :)
 My publisher Arup Bose,  and me :)

 This man surprised his wife by bringing her to my launch! She is a HUGE fan of me and wanted to attend my launch. But she didn't think it would be possible. He made it happen!
There was another reader who recited a BEAUTIFUL poem which was made entirely of my book titles!
Yet another reader gifted me a  BEAUTIFUL hand-knitted mobile pouch which she made herself! (and also bitter chocolate as I had once mentioned that the only kind of chocolate I eat is bitter chocolate)
I love this photo! We were all posing and this little baby was oblivious, playing with a water bottle.

With my publisher Arup Bose, and my editor (and good friend) Shinie Antony.

With the editor of my previous books Deepthi Talwar with whom I share an excellent rapport. I was thrilled that she came!

Many readers had left--but some had hung around--and this is a pic with some of the readers! :)

I can't tell you how LOVED i feel right now.
A big thank you to each one of you who turned up today.

More tomorrow


  1. Wonderful photos..
    Great to hear that the event was a huge success.. It is very evident from the photos that the energy levels were really high..
    If possible, please share the poem and the photo of the mobile pouch..

    1. Will share on my instagram stories. Thanks so much!

  2. Lovely photos. Enjoyed reading the book and I loved Ankita character a lot. Waiting for the third part... Wishing you a rocking success of the book.😍😘

  3. I am glad the launch went off well and so many people had come for it. What lovely photos of you with your readers. Hope to meet you too one day!:-) I watched the video on Instagram :-)

  4. The 'Love' can be seen and felt in the pics. You are so lucky to be loved so much (of course you created this luck with years of grinding work and dedication) and your readers are lucky to have spent these precious moments with you. Last but the least I am lucky to have got a glimpse of it from halfway across the world. Thanks to the Internet and your blog marathon :) ~ Indu

    1. I am indeed fortunate to have my readers <3 Thank you for watching. Lots of love to you. Where are you based Indu?

    2. Thanks for that "return love" Preeti :) I am based out of US. I have read all your books till The One You cannot have. Planning to get all the rest of the books on my next trip to India!

  5. Wow! Such dream like pictures Preeti. Congratulations on this successful Launch of you new release "Wake up life is calling you". Best wishes . Alka.


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