Wake Up Life is Calling: Coimbatore reading. A video report :)

 Hello there.

I had promised a detailed report about the Coimbatore event, and here I am, as promised, blogging from my home at Bangalore today.

I got back from Coimbatore today. It was one of the best events I have had. People had turned up from neighbouring towns too. Someone had come all the way from Tiruppur, another had come from Kochi, and there was someone from IIT Palakkad. The event went on for more than three hours! There were so many many questions which the audience asked, and which I answered. I must have signed more than a hundred books. I lost count after a while. In the above photo, you can see my publisher Arup Bose and me, just after we unveiled the book.

Almost everyone I spoke to said my books and my words had a profound influence on them. Almost everyone who turned up yesterday also follows me on Intagram, and they knew so much about me. We felt very connected.

These events can be exhausting and overwhelming (and I was on medication too) , and so after I got back, I slept almost the entire day. I am finally now in a position to come back to blogging.
So as you can see--when a new book is out, I work doubly hard on Saturdays and Sundays.(All my book events mostly happen on weekends, and I travel on weekends). I don't take any offs. But I am not complaining! (It's merely an observation)

 Here's a short  50 second video which gives you the glimpses of yesterday's events. Do watch it.

I do feel blessed, loved, fortunate.
What is amazing is that my readers say they feel the same way too!

If you are reading this blog post, I would really like to meet you. Please fill up preeti.io/form to stay connected to me, and to be notified and invited specially, when I am coming to your city.

And yes, I was elated when I saw the HT Nielsen list of the highest selling fiction in India, yesterday. (This is the most authentic list out there, like  an Indian equivalent of New York Times bestseller list) TWO of my titles are in there.

Now you know why I said I am not complaining about working on weekends :)

Will blog again tomorrow.
Meanwhile, do watch the video and tell me your thoughts in my comment box.
I am listening

Get the book: http://preeti.io/awake


  1. Fantabulous 👏 keep rocking 😍

  2. Hi Preeti,
    So nice to get a detailed description of your book launch. Too many good things to comment on. But first of all your rare Sari look. The sari lends you its fairy dust I think...As you look royal. Congratulations for being in the HT Nielsen list. Yes, your readers are true when they say they connect with you and know you well already. You reach out so much to your readers by way of social media that we feel like we are living the same life together. Me meeting you will have to tick so many boxes that it will take ages I suppose. The whole globe to cover up the distance between you and me! But interacting with you through your blog feels like one to one chat...Sometimes words impersonate and travel on your behalf to meet someone you love. So I let my words fly to you everyday. Meet you tomorrow again. Stay well.
    Love, Alka.

    1. Ask and it is given :) You never know the magic of the Universe. (about meeting me) Do read The Secret.
      Thank you for the magnificent compliment. Indeed, it IS a one-to-one chat. In my early blogging days, I made many friends through my blog, from different countries and later we met in real life too. (whoever thought it was possible! ;-) )

    2. Thanks Preeti, appreciate the way you take time out to reply to each of your readers. Sure, I'll look into "The Secret" and read it. It's good to know how we can reach out and make friends through Blogging. I am looking forward to see some good connections building up through my Blog. It's becoming a sacred space for me...Where I open my heart out and write as if someone out there is waiting to read and connect.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Distance doesn't matter, until it turns up to be the best day. It was a wonderful session yesterday. I'm so blessed to meet you ma'am. Learned a lot from yesterday's book launch. Worth attending it. Thank you so much ma'am. ☺️

    1. Truly distance doesn't matter. I am so glad you attended. I am blessed too! <3 Thanks so much.

  5. Nice to see you soaring new heights with two of your books now in the Nielsen Best Sellers List, Preeti! Hope you are well rested after the trip to get your creative juices flowing to enlighten us with more of your writing in the coming days ~ Indu.

    1. Thank you Indu! Yes, rested and ready to go! :)

  6. Hey Preeti.. Nice to see the big enthusiastic crowd.. I had watched the live video from the event and my heart sank when I heard you were crying while writing the previous day's blog..
    You take so much effort to connect with your readers.. Huge respect..

    1. Thank you! But I laugh too :) :) I write primarily or myself. But I am elated when my words strike a chord.

  7. Hello Mam,

    I am just half way through “Wake Up , Life is calling”

    Can I have the compilation of notes that Ankita writes down?

    Please mam , can you just paste it here so that I will read them , I feel it’s like a personal note that you write!

    1. We will probably bring it out as a book later :)
      Sorry, I can't give way content like that, as it would be unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me.

    2. Sorry mam , i just asked it out in an excitement . I will try to note it down physically :) i loved that part of the book actually !


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