A little trick to overcome a bad day

Today was a crappy day for me!  It has been terrible. Nothing went as expected.

Some days are like that. It's Murphy's law in action. I am travelling tomrrow. In case you missed yesterday's post, we're having a book reading at Coimbatore tomorrow (11th may) at 5.30 pm at Odyssey, Brookefield Mall.

 I have to leave home at 5.00 am tomorrow. (which means I have to wake up at 4.00 am!) To top it I am unwell---cold, body ache etc.

I know I will be fine tomorrow! I am certain. I don't know how I know these things, but I do. I am a great believer in manifesting your reality. If you haven't read books on it, please do read up. I like Secret by Rhonda Bryne, Ask and it is given--Esther and Jerry Hicks, Creative visualisation by Shakti Gawain, to name a few :)

Whenever things do not go according to how I wanted them to go, the one thing that always helps is focussing on all that went right and is going right.  So here are five things that  made me happy today, for which I am thankful.

1. Phone call with best friend!
2. Long phone call with my daughter (who lives abroad). I'm sharing a picture of us (clicked by my son).

3. Spending time with my dog. This pic was clicked just after I got home from the Bangalore book launch of Wake Up Life is Calling. You can see how happy we both are :)

4.Watching a good TV show (just began watching Dead to Me on Netflix)

5. Completing  reading my 24th book this year! I plan to read a 100 books. You can see the books I have read on my instagram, in highlights 'books'.

Do consider this practice of  starting a gratitude journal. It works wonders. Write down the happy things every day. (I draw in my illustrated journal daily). Often we overlook things that go well!

More tomorrow from Coimbatore
Till then--leave me comments in my comment box <3
ps: Flash sale on Wake up Life is calling. It's now at 113/- BUY !


  1. All the best for your book launch, and I hope tomorrow makes up for today.

  2. Get well soon <3 Wishing you a rocking book launch tomorrow.

    1. Your thoughts and wishes helped! Thank you :) <3

  3. Coincidentally I had a really bad start to my day as well, but it’s getting better. Reading your blog made it even better - especially the picture with your dog can brighten anyone’s day :) ~ Indu

    1. Our animal friends are such darlings! <3 Thank you for that fabulous compliment!

  4. Hello Preeti,
    Sorry to hear you are unwell. But as you said you should be fine by tomorrow. In fact, You must be about to wake up in a couple of hours from now. As you think, so you be. Hence, your positivity will help you get better sooner. Loved seeing your pictures, the one with your daughter is special. Pretty daughter of Preeti. Daily phone calls to my mother keep me sane and focussed.
    Focussing on happy things in life is the mantra to keep us going. We all have our own journeys to cover which are good and light on some roads while not so good or rather bad and heavy on some other paths. But memories of good ones fuel us to keep going through some rough patches.
    Best wishes for your Coimbatore event. And thanks for the selected list of good books. Will try to pick some and read. This is how you enrich all your readers by dropping some mentions here and some links there.
    Hear from you tomorrow again. Until then take care and rest as much as possible. Warm golden milk (turmeric) will comfort you to unwind and sleep after your long eventful day.
    Love, Alka.

    1. Do try the books I suggest. And thank you so very much for this warm warm message of caring and the love! :)
      Am replying after the event...and the event went so well.

  5. That's amazing. With so much happening in your life how can you manage to read so many books.

    1. I answered this yesterday at me event! (I am replying post the launch)

  6. Your illness will be gone by the time you reach the bookreading venue.. Good luck..

    1. Really appreciate those wishes and need them.

  7. Hi Preeti. I am sorry to hear that you had a bad day. I am hoping you get well soon so that you will have an amazing event in Coimbatore! It is such a lovely city with wonderful people. Thanks to your book recommendations on Instagram, I have started reading a few of those books. The latest being Forbidden Desires by Madhuri Banerjee. She had me hooked and I finished the book within 2 days! When things are not going right, I love to watch my favorite show FRIENDS which I bought on DVD (All 10 Seasons). As soon as I start watching the episodes, I forget all about my problems and get engrossed into the character of each episode. I also like to spend time with my family as they try to talk to me and help me figure out a solution to my problem/worries. Get well soon!

    1. I am glad my book recos are helping you and you are reading. Yes,that book was gripping. :) Can you beleive I haven't watched a single episode of Friends ? :) (somehow I never liked it much even thought its ICONIC..I did watch bits of it). I have watched all episodes of Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones :) Also Stranger Things and Sabrina. I think my taste in TV shows are probably different from yours.


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