On painting portraits

Today I restarted my practice of  making a portrait daily. I used to do it every single day.  I am a part of an International Artists Community. (Check out thousands of reference photos on Sktchy which is currently for iphone users only)
I would post daily on the app as well as on my Instagram Art Handle. You can see my other portraits by clicking on the link.
Any artist will tell you that drawing people is an extremely difficult thing. Even if you differ a line on the face  by a millimeter, the likeness is totally lost. It is very intense work. At the same time, a portrait is a not a photographic reproduction of the person. You have to capture the likeness, and yet it has to be your own unique style.
As a child, I dreamt of making a portrait which would have a great likeness.  I would draw people and ask my family members if they could guess who the person was. I never got the proportions right, and I would be disappointed. I would try harder. :)

Now I am happy that I can get a good likeness. I prefer working from photos, although I have made live sketches too. I have also been commissioned for my art in UK.

In India, many people do not get the idea of commissioning art work. They think it is okay to ask 'Will you draw me?'
(It isn't! You can pay the artist if you want them to draw you. It's like asking a Dentist--'Will you do my filling for me?' and expecting the Dentist to do it for free!) When people ask me that I don't even know what to say. I refuse politely and search for the nearest exit door.

In the other news from my end, I quite liked this article which came in The Hindu, about the Coimbatore event.

It was very well written, and reported the event, exactly like it was. If you wish to read it, either click on the above image, or read it online HERE.

More tomorrow!
Till then, smile.
ps: A great offer on Wake Up Life is Calling. Get it at 99/- preeti.io/awake


  1. You are very talented and creative in painting portraits. Inspiring newspaper article . Ma'am, I have a question for you.

    You are an allrounder - be it poems, books, blogs, yoga, portraits, family, connecting with readers and inspirational posts in Instagram. You are so perfect. In which field do you think you lack behind or Is there any field you want to focus on or improve upon?

    1. Hahaha!! I show you only my best self ;-) :) I am faaaaar from perfect!

  2. You are an idol of "Hard work always pays off, whatever you do."

  3. Hi Preeti,
    Another day of revealing another art of yours. Impeccable I would say. It's really difficult to get near the likeness in a free hand portrait. You have mastered it well. My Mum used to do portraits during her young days...But she would draw checks and then replicate the image from the photograph...finishing it by shading and pencil strokes. I do rough sketching sometimes but never refined this skill much.
    I read the Hindu coverage of your event...Fabulous picture and the article. You look like towering over everyone by the angle the picture is taken. Actually, this symbolic image stands true to your stature as a best selling author :)
    Love, Alka.

    1. Hey Alka,
      Drawing a grid to get a likeness is perfectly okay too! There are many techniques to get a likeness.
      Thank you so much; yes, I noticed the angle too :)
      They had clicked many pics and they decided to use this.

  4. Very life like sketch with the person's expressions captured so well. A very busy day today, but I have to compliment you for the picture and your blog :) ~ Indu

    1. Honoured that you took time off to comment! Thanks! :)

  5. This is a really nice sketch.

  6. A portrait every single day!
    A blog post every single day!
    Infinite number of book promoting activities..!
    Super woman, indeed...
    <3 <3 <3

  7. Mam I dont have I phone..
    I can share a pic with you and you deliver it in inbox

  8. What a wonderful sketch. I follow your updates on Instagram and Facebook too. Your artwork is really amazing and it's so nice to see a portrait each day. The detailing is so perfect that one cannot make out which is the photo! I read the article about your event in Coimbatore. Looks like your readers had a fantastic time.


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