Two little angels (post 7 blog marathon)

A reader shared the above photograph of her two babies reading my books!!! How cute is the above?!!
I can't get over it. :)  A BIG thank you to their mother for sharing this precious, sweet, priceless moment.

Here's what she said:

Any guesses on the book names? :)

Tell me in comments.

I have to wake up tomorrow at 5.30 am, as I have to leave home to 7.00 am for something that I have at 8.00 am.
I am so tired today, I need to rest.Trust your day has been good?

Good night folks.
More tomorrow.


  1. Thank you for sharing the post.With your permission ,I am sharing this post in my wall.I am really more impressed with you and the way you take pleasure in small things!!Thank you for showing us that life is beautiful!!

  2. One is why we love the way we do it and the second book is it's all in the planets ma'am. :-)

  3. Hey Preeti! This is such a cute post! You are so popular that you have fans in all age groups! I am so happy to see them going through your books! The first book is Why We Love The Way We Do and the second one is It's All In The Planets. After seeing this post, I feel like reading these books once again! Take care! Have a good day!

  4. Iam pretty sure...Why we love the way we do..with your photograph.☺


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