A day in my life (Blog marathon post 9)

Today was a whirlwind of a day for me. I started my day at 5.30 am.

I went for my   run/walk.(I run/walk every  single day).

Later in the morning, I met two good friends of mine, both authors, at a pub in Bangalore. We had a great time.
Right next to the pub was a wonderful little store that I discovered, which had the prettiest, cutest, the most well designed pieces for your home. I felt I was in wonderland as I explored the store.
I  couldn't resist buying  three really pretty containers, for growing Mint, Basil and Parsley. I shall share pictures, after they grow a little bit. I also bought a miniature watering can. A tiny one which is smaller than your palm!

As soon as I got back home,  my dog was waiting and I walked her. We went for a long walk. Each time she explores the same path we have walked on, thousands of times by now, we discover something new.

The one thing that I do, when I walk is listen to podcasts.  I highly recommend listening to podcasts, over listening to music , when you walk. There are several interesting podcasts out there. Some are fascinating and really make you think.

Then I took care of several work related emails. I wrote a piece for a newspaper. I gave a couple of interviews. I continued the discussion which I was having with my author friend, this time over texts.
I discovered that someone  was sly-tweeting about me, and I promptly blocked that person.
There's really no room in life for negativity or negative people.They aren't worth thinking about and you should cut them out from your life, as much as you can.

I lit the lamp at my altar, I offered my prayers. It is a ritual I follow, daily. I shall share pictures of my altar sometime. Then I went out to my garden, and tended to my vegetable garden.

After all of this, I cooked a simple dinner.

And once again,  my furry baby and I set out on another long walk. (She needs a LOT of exercise).

In between I snapchatted and instgrammed a LOT with my daughter and son, who are both abroad for college :)

Now I am going to read my book and call it a day.

How was your day? What did you do?
Tell me in my comment box. If you share I am listening.
 (Isn't it nice to peek into other's lives? I love doing that :-) )
  Check out my books: http://preeti.io/amazon


  1. ..I lived every of that moment with you..nice read.. and that makes me think it's so good to hear everyone share their day with the people they adore.. thank you

  2. I admire the life you have created for yourself. What an active day you had. I also enjoy a peek into the day of certain people.
    Highlight of my day was how it ended with a long swim in the temperature controlled pool at the local sports club and watching the gorgeous moon thereafter. The rest of the day was office work and home chores, and yes, instagramming and connecting with family and friends :) I also fed my plants with some plant food.. its really hot here in Dubai and I do my best to keep the little green corner happy.

  3. I really enjoyed reading about your day. With your kids not there, I guess you and Satish are empty nesters. I used to follow your son's blog as well and miss his posts. My day was okay. Went to work and came home in the night. Was feeling a little low as I was down with a cold. After getting a good night's sleep, I am feeling a little better.:-) Take care.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I spend my day exploring my new surroundings and then redecorating my new apartment.

    I love the way you are humble and how inspite being a public figure you don't feel vulnerable to share this post. :-)

  6. I feel very nice especially after reading.Like you,i love podcast.I also know little bit about farming,as we grow some vegetables and fruits,especially Apple is our main crop beside pears,apricot,strawberry,cherry,walnut.I thought its nice to share what I do.

  7. https://mydreamerblogaddress.blogspot.in/2017/08/what-is-sense-of-friendship-for-us.html?m=1 plz read my blog mam

  8. I just love reading your blogs. You are full of positivity.

  9. Nice read and a great schedule madam!

  10. I agree with what everyone has written above about you. Despite being a public figure you share details of your life so easily thats that's a great thing in itself. That shows your true connection with your viewers or readers which is not just by the books you write but by the minute details of your life that you share with us. This is the real way of connecting with people and making them part of your life and being part of their life. I also like your positivity and its an inspiration for me as I m lil pessimistic. I am lawyer and a mother of a 2 year old child. Hence my life is in a diff phase wherein i try to grab some free time for myself at night after he sleeps. I have read all your books and needless to mention that they amazing. Thats precisely the reason why I m looking forward for your next book. Inspired by you I checked the writing platform juggernaut and have published two short poetry books in last few weeks. One thing which i lag and which i want to do is regular exercise. Somehow i m unable to fit it in my schedule for the day but shall do so very shortly. I always look for reading your posts on your fb th or blog as and when i get time. I can connect with your life and it's looks simple and normal like common people lives and hence seems very connecting.. .thanks a lot for writing each day and it's something we as readers always look forward to.

  11. Waking up early is a good step to achieve so many things in a day. What a productive day. Mine was good too, woke up to the windy weather, edited an interview before sending, went out for coffee and read a magazine. Coffee and reading makes for great relaxation. Shot a mail, watch NDTV and new reading blogs. I shall work on an impending book review and read at night before going to celebrate our Independence day tomorrow.


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