Greetings from Guwahati (post 29)

Today we drove from Cherapunjee to Guwahati. On the way we stopped at Shillong peak, which is inside an Air Force camp. You have to give your original identity documents to be allowed to go inside. Inside, it is a beautiful campus, and I passed Kendtiya Vidyalaya Shillong, and it brought back fond memories as I have done all my school years in various  KVs all over India. The uniform has changed now, from what it used to be..But Kendriya Vidayalas are truly amazing schools.

We checked into our hotal at Guwahati and explored Pan bazaar and Fancy Market. I discovered a book shop and wandered in. It turned out to be one of Guwahati's oldest book shops. The owner Mrs.Kumar was delighted to see me. She brought out all my books, and I signed them. It was wonderful chatting with her. There is something amazing about connecting with people you have never met,but who shower you with so much love, because they have read your books.

Guwahati is very humid and very  hot, and you can see me all sweaty after walking around.


Here's  me posing with my last baby---It's All In The Planets.
You can see the pride and joy on my face (despite the sweat!) . Do grab a copy  if you haven't read it. It has sold over 35,000 copies (and still counting) in a short span of it's release.
 All the best-selling books are on a 50 percent discount right now, and you will get this book too.
If you have read it, tell me in comments how you liked it, who your favourite characters were.

Fancy Bazaar is crowded, full of small shops that sell handloom sarees and a lot of other stuff. I bought three sarees, but I was drenched in sweat by the time I finished. I cannot say I enjoyed the experience. I disliked the crowds. Also, I did not like it that it was unclean. Garbage was strewn all over. People jostled to walk around. There was loud honking. In short---a typical overcrowded Indian city. I much prefer the nature.

The highlight of the day for me, was the painting I did in Cherrapunjee this morning.

 More pictures and more travel tales tomorrow.
Don't forget to leave me comments! Then i know you are reading and enjoying my posts.(It gives me some motivation to go on, as I don't make any money from my blog).

Love you guys.
Till tomorrow, keep smiling.


  1. Isn't it a nice feeling to be in an unknown place and still feel to be a part of it?

  2. Preeti, I am sure being amidst nature is giving you all the inspiration for the next few stories or characters :) Enjoy your stay!

  3. I'm really happy you could visit and see the beauty of northeast.

  4. I loved Nidhi and her mother too...the clarity in her thoughts is something I wish for.

    And who wouldn't be overjoyed to see you ma'am. Mrs.Kumar was lucky.

  5. It's so nice to travel and have people recognize you in the most unexpected places! It was sweet of you to sign all your books. I am sure it made Mrs. Kumar's day! The painting which you made is really pretty. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!


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