A walking companion :) (blog marathon post 14)

My post for today is this walking companion, who insisted on accompanying me on my morning walk :)

Of course it helped that i had bribed him with cat food, minutes before this video was shot :)

He didn't know he was being set up.
But even if he did, I don't think he would care!

New post tomorrow.
Good night folks!
 Check out my books: http://preeti.io/amazon


  1. Reminds me of your blog when you visited the Gauri Kedar temple, Bhubhneshwarback in Dec 2015. You are an animal lover. There also you held a small kitten so lovingly. Your story why cats are worshipped in that temple.

  2. Your love for animals is so selfless...Someday I wish to find company in them too, for the moment I am too scared of pets.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice to know that you had a companion during your early morning walk! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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