Five words to avoid using if you want to sound smart (blog marathon post 8)

Are there any words that you hate for absolutely no reason at all? Do you have any pet peeves when it comes to words or usages?

I do! And these are just personal idiosyncrasies. They have no logic, no reason, no rhyme. I certainly wouldn't be able to explain why I feel this way towards certain words, but I do. (poor word--it's not your fault word; We just aren't meant to be together. It's not you, it's me :-) )

Here are a few words which instantly make me  freeze the moment I hear some person use it.

1. 'Cool': I have no problems with the word Cool when it is used to describe a climatic condition (The cool breeze felt like a soft caress against my face)  or the temperature of a drink (The cool water quenches his thirst) . I also have no problems when it is used to indicate that you admire a person or a thing. (He is so cool.  You can do the headstand? That is so cool!) But I have a big problem when people use it as a response to something you said.
'I will get back to you soon.'
'Cool'.  (No--Hot! Please be a little warm and say thank you)
'I will see you tomorrow.'
'Cool'. (What cool? Say 'That would be terrific')

2. Wifey/Hubby: I see this all the time. 'Hubby' sounds like an overgrown baby. Wifey sounds like an Internet connection that's gone stale :P Now now--calm down folks. I know people who use it, use it with a lot of love. They use it as a term of endearment.  But me? Silly, eccentric me---I abhor those two words. Your 'wifey' is not "YOURS" even though you married her. She is her own person. Your 'hubby' doesn't 'belong' to you.
I know people who use it do not see it the way I see it. To me, it seems like you are trivializing a powerful relationship by reducing it to wifey-hubby. Illogical to feel this way, I know! :)   But hey, who said feelings have logic. Just a quirk of mine. You are free to use it if you so please. You may wifey your wife or hubby your husband all you like. But please don't foist it on me.

3. 'Like': Again, when you say 'I like Game of Thrones' or I like Pizza', I have no problem. But when I hear teenagers use it after every word in a sentence, or use it as a substitute to a  full stop, it annoys me big time.
'I was like you got to be kidding me bro; Dude she was like I have to tell you, and it was like...and like, like, like...and you know like....'
Please don't like. Just say what you mean!

4. "Boss/ Dawg': Why call someone Boss?! Are they employing you and paying your salary? If you do not know their name, ask. They will love you for it. And who is a 'Dawg'?! Please!

5. Aunty: I hear this all the time, meant as a derogatory insult for women. If a woman is driving slowly, you hear a 'hey aunty'. If a woman doesn't meet up to the standards of 'hotness' inside an Indian Male's head, she is an aunty. Also I have a problem when you are above the age of ten and you call me aunty, if you do not know me. If you are a friend of my children, I would love to be your aunty. But if you are not, then please ask me what to call me. (I know so many are uncomfortable to call an elder person by their first name. Indian culture of respect and all that.) If you wish to know why I feel strongly about the word 'Aunty' you can read this piece (a favourite of mine)  by Shobha Tharoor Srinivasan.

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  1. I too hate the "like" among the teenagers. And this post takes me back to one of your older posts where you had mentioned how you dislike the way people use shortcuts while texting. U, coz, r and etc etc.

    I love the way you respect the language ma'am.

  2. This is great. I liked each and every word of this piece of blog. At the end i was thinking why did this blog end. Your blogs are truly top class. Thanks again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Absolutely! Another word I personally dislike-- "house wife" !!!! I really hate the usage of that word and also when people label an artist who works from home, a "house wife" !!

  5. Nice blog mam i love ur books too and i have also started a blog plz read


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