Little things that make life fun (Blog marathon post 17)

 Every morning, when I wake up, there's always a good morning photo from my mother. We are all a part of a family whatsapp group--my tow children, my husband and my mother. My children are extremely close to my mother, and she in turn adores them.

This morning, for the good morning photo she sent the above photo which she clicked in her village in Kerala. Her message read 'help, help a birdie is missing. Please help me find her.'

I was the first to find.

If you do not know where the birdie is, scroll down for the answer.

Go on , keep scrolling


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go on

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Some more

>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't be lazy, scroll!

Here is the birdie!

I couldn't help thinking how fortunate I am, to have a fun-loving mother, who is so enthusiastic about everything. I think it is a very important quality to have. The ability to have fun, be curious and be eager to try new things.
It is these things that make life fun, and stop you from growing old.

That's all from my end for today, folks.
Good night!
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  1. Both your mom and the bird are cute ma'am. :-)

  2. That blog has made my day.

  3. I searched for the birdie, but could not find it. What a nice way to start your day with a message from your mom. Thanks for this lovely post.


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