Sunday Stealing (blog marathon post 13)

My heart is still thudding after Game of Thrones--episode 4, Season 7. What a show!

So thought I would do a fun post today, and hence decided to do a Sunday Stealing (click on link to know more)

Here are  my answers to the questions they asked.

1.  What is the favorite piece of art you own.

An original painting by Niall Young
It's a hyper pointillism piece and I was with him at Trafalgar square, viewing the scene he brilliantly captured in his art work.

2.  The most expensive bill you paid last month.

Ha! My children's college fees! (both are studying in a foreign country)

3.  What’s the last thing you apologized for?

 To my daughter this morning.What I apologised for---Well, here's an assignment for you. use your imagination and write a story on it :) (In other words, no, I am not revealing that)

4.  If you could do today over, would you change anything?

Yes, I wouldn't have eaten those french fries out of greed :P

5.  What is the largest TV screen in your house?

65 or 56, not sure. But it's massive!

6.  What did you buy today?

Four beautiful tiny succulents to make a miniature model.

7.  I wish I had ____

the power to teleport anywhere at will.

8.  How many photos did you take today?

Posted a lot of  pictures and videos on my Instagram. Check out my Instagram handle preeti.shenoy

9.  Last thing you wanted and didn’t get.

My temper! (I lost it:))

10.  What was the last new thing you tried?

Making paper pots!I made them to use a biodegradable option to germinate my seedlings. they turned out so well.

11.  Who is your hero?

My father

12.  Today I feel really secure knowing ____

That I have enough money to lead the kind of life I want to

13.  Whose life did you make a difference in today?

A reader sent me this on Sarahah

14.  What would have made today perfect?

I don't think a 'perfect day' is possible!

15.  Did you thank anybody today?

Yes--my readers. Also I always thank the Universe.

That's it folks, good night! New post tomorrow.


  1. Life is what you make it is a book that has changed a lot of lives...thank you ma'am for writing it.

    I loved those pots too ma'am. 😊

  2. Sunday Stealing is an interesting concept. I like how you always have this post during your blog marathon. Looking forward to many more interesting posts. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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