Two important qualities good writing should have (blog marathon post 16)

Continuing with my reading spree, I  started another book today. This book I am reading is actually a young adults book, by Eva Ibbotson. It is called  'Monster Mission.'

Earlier, I had read her Secret of Platform 13.  

 And I fell in love with her writing, instantly .

All fans of Harry Potter (I am NOT a fan of those books) would immediately say they find the concept similar  to the first book in the   Harry Potter series, (as there is a platform on Kings Cross station on platform 13 which leads to a different world)  but the fact is Eva's book had come out three years before Harry Potter books did.

Eva has a good case for suing for plagiarism if she wants to, but she dismissed it, by saying 'We all borrow from each other as writers and I would like to shake her hand.' My respect for Eva Ibbotson  went up tenfold when I learnt that.

I must mention that I have read both books, and the similarity ends there. Rowling's book is completely different from Eva's. I have also read another book by Eva (whose name I forget).

If you are stuck with your reading, and you cannot seem to get started, I highly recommend Eva's books. I also recommend Michael Morpurgo's books who again writes for young adults. I absolutely loved  Born to Run and Private Peaceful.

These writers write in a way that transports you to a different world. You are involved with the characters and you feel like you are a part of their lives. You begin to CARE for the characters. They make you feel something. They make you feel that world they created is real.

Though I have read TONNES of authors, it is very few who have this quality in their writing, which I think is very important to have. 

Eva Ibbotson passed away in 2010.
But the books that she created are forever. They continue to bring joy to thousands of folks.
Eva lives on through her writings.

Do you have any books which make you feel the things I have mentioned?
If so, please do tell me in my comment box, and I will check them out.
A new post tomorrow,
Until then--read a good book!

Check out my books:


  1. hi Mam, your own writing leaves the same impact mentioned in this post. We could visualize the places and the characters seems so real that we could even relate to someone we know. Waiting for October for your next novel :)

  2. Yes. A lot of times it also felt like I should start writing myself.
    Some of them are One Hundred Years Of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton, The God Of Small Things by Arundhati Roy & The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

  3. Even your book "Life is What you make it" will be read by future generations and surely will get inspired.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have been an avid reader ever since I was a child. But for the past couple of years, after I started reading your books, I feel that they have made, are making and will definitely make, a huge impact on my life. Most of the stories I can relate to because I have gone through the same thing in my life, so it's nice to see read about how the character tackles the issue. This is the reason I am so so 'hooked' onto your books Preeti!


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