There's no pride in prejudice (Blog marathon post 5)

My post for today is my column in the Financial Chronicle.

Read it HERE

Hope you have had a great Saturday.
 Here's a picture I posted from my day today, on my Instagram.


See you tomorrow folks! 
Happy weekend!

 check out my books:


  1. Humanity and love for all is the need of the hour. In the present day mechanical world everything has a financial angle to it. What is important is that a human being proves why he is termed a human. Love and acceptance of all people is what humans should strife for

  2. The caption in your picture is what I am going to follow for the coming week and ensure it becomes a very part of me.

  3. I really enjoyed reading the article you wrote for the Financial Chronicle. What you wrote was absolutely true. We tend to judge people from the outside, and fail to understand how they are as a person. This has happened to me in several occasions when people thought I was not friendly, would be portrayed as a rich brat and so on. After I opened up and started talking to the other person they realized that they were wrong and some even apologized! At the end of the day, we should be able to get to know a person before even making - if its required - a conclusion about them!


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