Meghalya --kissed by the clouds (post 26)

Greetings from Meghalaya. True to it's name, it is a place kissed by the clouds. As I type this, from my picture window, the rain falls gently outside making a pitter-patter sound. It feels like I am living inside a poem.

We drove from Shillong to Mawlynnong, which has earned the moniker of Asia's cleanest village. The drive itself was arduous, as the mountain roads are terrible. Since I ave been so many times to the Western ghats in South India, this just seemed like a poor cousin in comparison. The roads in South India are much much better. After a bone-rattling torturous car ride, we arrived tired and hungry. We ate at a small restaurant (sticky rice, watery dal and some kind of delicious chutney made of onion, tomato and green chillies loosely pounded). Then we began our walk to see the living root bridges.

That was AMAZING. It is a sight worth seeing. I felt the forests in Avatar movie had come alive from the sets and had been resurrected here. I couldn't help marvelling at the ingenuity of the Khasi tribes which had woven these bridges.

The photos truly don't do justice to it. Please do watch the BBC documentary for more.

The highlight of my day was this kitten I petted :)
Anywhere I go, animals just come to me. Anyone with experience of cats don't come so easily to people whom they don't know. But for some reason, I am an exception to this rule :)

Can you see him/her bending backwards to enjoy being petted?

I carried him after that :)

More tomorrow!

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  1. Nice..👌👌👌👌👌

  2. You are so cute that even animals love you ma'am ��

  3. I love your technique of writing, ...while reading I felt as if its a live experience...

  4. Apart from the photos of nature in all its glory. Animals have a special place in your heart. Reminded of the Gauri Kedar temple where a cat came up to you. Then there was a cat which came up to you some days back and you titled it a constant companion. Also you talked about the love you have for cats. It was a blog written by you many years back. You named it Garfield. Remember the name because i have read all your blogs.


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