Giving thanks to a peaceful day (blog marathon post 19)

Some people think that you just have to make weekend plans. They aren't happy unless they go out, do something with friends, watch a movie, hangout at a mall or some such activity.
A common question you hear people ask is 'What plans for the weekends?'

I think it is perfectly okay to stay at home on the weekend, and do things that give you joy. I am always grateful for the peaceful days in my life. Today was one such.

In the morning we harvested this from our garden:

 They are completely organic. And the entire garden is tended to by Satish and me. If you want to see more pictures of my garden from today, go HERE

In the evening we went for a nice long walk, along with Lostris, as soon as the downpour stopped.

The sunset was so beautiful against the urban sky, I stopped to stare. And I clicked a picture. Here is a photo I clicked.

Now I am going to read.

How was your Saturday? Was it peaceful? What did you do?
Tell me in comments.

Till tomorrow, stay peaceful!
Check out my books:


  1. I too had no plans...sat at home and searched for some ideas and supplies for a miniature fairy garden as I am inspired by your post yesterday.

    Have a great Sunday ma'am.

  2. Had planned out the whole day, went with friends to the mall, watched a movie, ate a lot, played a few games, came back. It was fun.

  3. It was raining heavly here,but i love roaming and looking after my crop so much,still spent many hour in field and i am reading The third plate.We don't have any theatre over here,it doesn't bother me.

  4. Read a book by Khuahwant Singh

  5. Beautiful veggies from your garden, Preeti! What a magnificent sight to see after taking a walk on a cool Saturday evening in Bengaluru. Today is Saturday and I will be at work as usual. My weekend normally starts only after 8 pm :-) Take care!


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