For my friend's mother. (post 24)

Death puts many things in perspective. All of us know it lingers just around the corner, yet we live in denial of it, not thinking about it, not considering it, as it is not a palatable topic. Rarely do we discuss it in detail, as it is not your average dinner-table conversation, slipped in between the starter and the dessert.  Death is always  feared, revered, and if at all talked about, it is in hushed tones, a lowered octave, and with a sombreness to match the gravitas of the unavoidable.

Yet, it is only when we accept the possibility that it could be just round the corner, are able to fathom the urgency to live life to the fullest, and be in the moment, not worrying about the infinite possibilities and the what-ifs.

One of my closest friends( we have been friends since we were 10) lost her mother yesterday. I feel so sad as I write this. Aunty was one of the sweetest people I knew.  Whenever I visited my friend, aunty would be ever-smiling, ever-welcoming. 
It is rarely that someone  who is not a family member, who was a part of your childhood, still  manages to be in your life, long after you have gone into adulthood and had your own children.
Aunty has visited me, and even carried both my children. Of course they have no memories of it, as they are nearly adults themsleves.

I said a prayer for her today.
And my thoughts are with my friend.



  1. May her soul rest in peace ma'am and may your friend and her family be blessed with the strength to bear this loss.

  2. May her soul rest in peace and may god give her family all the strength to bear this loss.. We all have someone who aren't our family member but are an important part of our life..

  3. Hi Preeti. My deepest condolences to your friend on the loss of her mother. Death is something which we know will happen, but just do not know when it will happen. I have been in situations where I have lost people whom were very close to me and I never had a chance to say good bye. When we start making friends, we are just their friends and after a few months or years, they become like family. So if they lose someone in their life, automatically, we feel as if we have lost someone from ours. Beautifully written post as always! Once again, I am sorry to hear about your friend's mother who passed away.


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