My Top 5 Podcasts.

Hello  Lovely person!

Since yesterday's post was a big hit (judging by the number of comments I got but perhaps that was because I said I am watching you with that crazy Goblin/elf pic!) I thought I would continue the series and share with you my five top podcasts .

I listen to a lot of podcasts when I walk my dog. I find them engrossing, fun and  I don't feel the time pass. I love listening to podcasts.

Here are five podcasts I love:

1. Modern Love : I love this one; All episodes are less than 20 minutes. They are deep, moving, thought provoking, heart warming and well written essays.

2. Invisibilia: Here's what it is about

3.  Kind World: All episodes are under 10 minutes. Love this one too.

4.  On being : Krista Tippet : These are long  ones, and need very deep thinking.

5. New Yorker Fiction: Deborah Treisman

Apart from the above five which are my current favourites, in the past I have also listened to Serial.

I think from this list you might have gleaned what my taste is like, when it comes to Podcasts.

Do you have any favourites? Do you listen to podcasts?

Give me your suggestions and recommendations in my comment box on my blog  please.
Will look forward to your comments, as always.

That's it from me for today.
Till tomorrow, take care, stay hydrated, breathe deep and sleep well.

Lots of Love
Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash


  1. Thank you so much for this Mam! I do listen to podcasts. I like Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul Conversations and The Ranveer Show. I think I will like Invisibilia and On Being. I will definitely try them.
    Thank you once again for sharing Mam! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    1. Haven't heard Super soul conversations. Will search for it. Thanks!

    2. You are welcome Mam!

  2. Love your recommendations, thank you for sharing. I'm not a podcast person but this post is the right nudge for me to check some of them out.

  3. So no kindle version also mam?

    1. These are not e-books. They are podcasts and they are free. Please google them.

  4. Hello Preethi,

    This is not related to podcast but shows. Have you watched modern family which is in hotstar. It has good emotions and once the show last season ended felt very emotional. The show character becomes part of life :)


    1. With your recommendation will start podcast too

    2. My daughter used to watch Modern family. I watched a few episodes--I didn't like it much. I guess I like violence and sex in my TV shows :D

  5. Thanks for the suggestions 🌼 I listen to "Ted Talks daily". My recent favourite is an episode by Nora Mclnerny - ' we don't move on from grief, we move forward with it'. I hope you'll listen to it💙

    1. Thank you so much for the recommendation; I love Ted talks and I will definitely watch. Your comment feels like a Godsend to me as today, grief is what i am feeling.

  6. Hey Preeti.. I have a big list of to-do's and listening to podcasts is one of them. Haven't managed to listen to any yet and bookmarking this post so I can start with these when I do get to it :-)

  7. Dear Preeti.. It is so nice to read your daily #21daysofpositivity and I am really glad you are continuing it. I have been thinking of commenting for so long and today I found I couldn't hold off any further :) Thanks a lot for your suggestions. You are a great motivator. I have watched Modern Love, TV series. Guess the podcast you mentioned is the same. I loved the TV series. Really heart-warming! Looking forward to listening to your remaining suggestions. I listen to podcasts but, not regularly. Usually I listen to Robin Sharma or Jay Shetty's podcasts and I like The Book Review too. I am still awaiting your signed copy of "When Love Came Calling" which is getting delayed due to our current situation. Keep writing and inspiring! :)

    1. I am glad you didn't hold back, and left me a comment. Makes me happy. Welcome to my blog. Yeah, even I am waiting for the book to come out . The lockdown was announced on the day it was ready to be shipped.

  8. Hi Preeti. I have heard of Podcasts, listened to a few a very long time ago. These sound quite interesting, so I will bookmark it so I can listen to it. Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely evening!

  9. Namaskaram Preetiji quite an enlighting and enriching post.I was unaware of these kinds of podcasts.The only podcasts I follow are Moneycontrol,ET,Live Mint for financial news.

    I went through the podcasts you mentioned a little and found Modern Love and On Being interesting .

    Thank you for pleasantly surprising and enlighting me.

    Stay Safe and Stay Happy Mam 🙏🙏

    1. Oh! And I never knew about the ones you mention. :)

  10. Wake up life is calling gave me a new playlist which I always listen to especially while walking to college. Abide with me, the book, total eclipse of my heart are my favorites.
    Now, this blog exposed me to podcast!! From the time I read your blog till now I have listened to atleast 10 podcasts from modern love and kind world and I'm truly in love with them. Thank you for this ma'am :) ♡

  11. I listen to podcasts quite less (busy watching inspirational, romantic, comedy, kmowledge based videos of many people). But the podcasts I like are of Jay Shetty.


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