My gift to you: A recipe, an art work and 5 things to do!

Hello again!

Day 11 of #LockdownIndia. Today I made something delicious. It's what you see above: Channa baskets. I have also shared the  recipe on my Instagram, as a video. Head over HERE and you can find it. Do try making it.

I also made art today. Here's what I made.

In  addition to  the above I also shared 5 things you can do today.

You know, there's one thing I want to tell you guys: Even though I share so much on social media, I am an extremely private person and hugely introverted. People who have met me do not believe it when I say so.
There's a misconception about introverts. Many people think that introverts are shy. That is not necessarily true at all. I am not shy at all. (oh no, not the least bit!) But people drain me out. I am okay to make conversations, and socialise for a little while. After that I need copious amounts of my solitude to recharge.
I enjoy meditation, I love working out by myself, I like making art,  reading, taking my dog for a walk. Notice how all these activities are solitary?

An excellent book on introverts which I liked and could completely relate to was INF Joe's book "Text, don't call."
I loved it! I could completely relate to it.

Have you heard of the Myers Briggs personality test?
I am an INFJ. If you have taken it, let me know your personality type.

I enjoyed immensely reading all the good things about you, which I had asked yesterday. Thank you to each one who left a comment. I feel motivated when I see your comments, as otherwise it is like 'talking into air.'

Sunday tomorrow. What are you going to do?
Tell me in my comment box. (If you are reading this on mail, head over to my blog please)

If you want me to write about any topic, then you can say that too in my comment box and I shall definitely try to write about it. (I have a special place in my heart for all those who leave me comments😉.

Till tomorrow,  keep a song in your heart.

Lots of love



  1. Hi ma'am! You motivate me so much every day! I have started painting portraits after seeing your stories.I have three books by you and today I finished re-reading 'Life Is What You Make It' . I am going to start reading 'Wake Up! Life Is Calling' from tomorrow onwards:)


  2. In this scotching heat, your posts are definitely the ice cubes we all long for..!!! :) hugss...

    1. Rashmi, such a beautiful description and it is true.

  3. Please do write about top 10 personality books which you always recommend to readers in a blog post.Its been almost 10 years now following your blog.

    1. Hi! I have already posted about my 10 fav books. Please do search on youtube 'favourite books of Preeti shenoy' and you will get it! Thank you so very much for following my blog and reading!🥰

  4. I love your posts, Insta Updates and your books. You inspire me more and more. I too am an Introvert, though many people would disagree with me. I cannot handle crowd of people because I will get really nervous. I will try to read the book you mentioned, "Text, Don't Call." I feel more comfortable texting people than calling. It has been like this for about 7 years now. I also love to take personality tests, so will definitely take the one you mentioned and let you know the result. As today is Sunday, I plan on taking a long afternoon nap as the morning was quite busy cleaning the house, doing laundry and helping mom in the kitchen. Take care!

    1. It's a book of cartoons! You too, take care!

  5. The Channa Baskets are so eye-candy Mam! The art you have made is equally creative and beautiful. I'm loving all the words you are putting daily with the portraits. It's really deep 👌👌👌👌👌
    I have taken the Myers Briggs Test and my type of personality is Advocate 😄.
    Thank you for the wonderful post Mam! 🙏🏻

  6. Thank you so much for this post ma'am ♡. I took up the Mysers Briggs Test, I am ESTJ-A.

    1. My pleasure. Those tests are fascinating, aren't they?

    2. Yes ma'am 😁❤

  7. I always look forward for your blogs.It is very invigorating and thoughtful.I would like if you write about PARENTING and also make some BOOKS recommendations about life lessons.Thank you

    1. Hi, Have already written lots of parenting posts. Click on the three bars you see on the right side of this blog. Scroll all the way down and you will see parenting. Click on that. Have already posted about good books. Please search on YouTube for Preeti Shenoy's favourite books.

  8. Loved the cat picture<3. Yes, I've done the MBTI. I'm INFP-T, the mediator. I look forward to reading 'Text, don't call' as soon as I can lay my hand on it. Thanks for sharing <3

    1. Nice! The book is a small book full of cartoons :)

  9. Hello Preetiji
    1)The. Chana baskets look yum and I am sure would be super delicious too.
    2)The sketch is detailed and the lessons fantastic and happiness evident on the aged lady's face is priceless.
    It's like you have not only sketched the old woman's body but also her soul fluttering around with unbridled joy while the cat sits Zen-like in her arms
    It's almost like two polar opposites- the decline of age with the quantum increase in happiness and the power of agility(of the cat)along with its calm demeanor.The sketch is a spiritual lessen in itself.


  10. 3)I know i speak far fetched things some times because thanx to you Mam i found out that I am a INFP-T Mediator personality more introverted,prospecting and feeling kind. Loved your idea of doing the test and spent a significant time analyising and over-analysing the results .

    1. Haha..Glad!! It helps to know out personality types.

  11. Thank you for replying on my comments it makes me joyful and makes me smile long after I have read and re-read them.
    Mam pls write about this question-
    In our times does love come with an expiriy date or rather has the shelf-life of relationships and intimacy reduced significantly?
    Preetiji love each written word of yours.
    100%Respect 100% Love

    1. Will write about this. Lots of love to you too.

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. You posts makes me recharge my Positive Energy. Ma'am can you please write something about Straight Forward Personalities. And, do suggest some Self-Help Books.

    1. Hi! Do google 'preeti shenoy's fav books' on youtube or you can check my IGTV where I have recommended books that made an impact on me. And yes, will try and write about straightforward people. (personally, I love them!)

    2. Thanks for replying Ma'am

  15. I'm an INFP - T (Turbulent) and using my current lock-down taking an online class which is about Jungian Typology.

    I want your views on "Falling Out of Love". When we realize that we are being attracted to another person though being in a relationship. The person with whom we are in a relationship is not a bad person at all, but we see that after the honeymoon phase reality dawns that they just do not 'get' us which leads us to go astray.

    Please let me know...what you think about this.

  16. Thankful to you mam. For writing for us...


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