Four must read books for 4/20

Hi there,

How are you doing today? Today apart from being 20/4/20 , also happens to be Hitler's birthday. Holocaust is something that disturbs me a great deal, to the extent that if I think about it, I have physical symptoms like breathlessness and a churning in the gut. It affects me deeply.  I have no words for the most despicable, heinous and shameful incident history ever witnessed.
The visit  in January by the suriviors to  Auschwitz-Birkenau moved me to tears.

(coloured words are links..Please click  on it  if you wish to know more)

Apart from Diary of Anne Frank (which most people know of) , here are four books I highly recommend that have Holocaust as their theme. I am not reviewing them nor am I elaborating about what they are about, as there are tonnes of reviews already of these books, and you can look them up with a simple google search.

I am just giving you the names.

1. Man's search for meaning by Viktore Frankl: This is a life changing book which creates a paradigm shift in one's thinking.

2. Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne: Read the book before you watch the movie.

3.  Maus by  Art Spiegelman. It took me weeks to recover from this book. It's a graphic novel which won the pulitzer prize

4. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah :It's main theme isn't holocaust but has a lot of details of the  horrors of those times. It's easily one of the finest books I have read.

Do read these books for sure. Your life will be richer having read them.

If you have any book recommendations for me on the above theme, books that deeply moved you, do let me know in my comment box.

That's all for today.

Lots of love



  1. Thank you for the book recommendations Mam! I haven't read any book on this topic. Now I will try to read these books.

  2. I read the first book this year in January...currently read your recommended book chai chai by Biswanath Gosh..

  3. Definitely will try to read all the four thank you mam for your suggestion.... i just love Tara character from your It's all in the planets. Tara is the most charming optimistic women😍 and love you mam for presenting such wonderful character...

  4. Dear Preeti,

    Thank you for the book suggestions. Would add these to my to-read list. Apart from the "Diary of Anne Frank" there was this book that I had read long back which has Holocaust as the theme. "The Glass Room" by Simon Mawer. Do read the book and let me know if you like it. I remember only parts of it since it was a long time ago. But, still it haunts a bit.

    Thank you also for the link. It made me sad too :(

    Hoping for a bright tomorrow. Good night!

    1. Thanks Vidya for that suggestion! Will add to my list and read when situation is happier than current!

  5. Good morning :) last year I bought the first book( kindle version) as I looked into your book reviews highlights on insta! I also read other books on it like chai chai, Marie kondo and Eleanor Oliphant and Anne Frank’s diary too. They are all very good books. I would read other books too sometime in this year. Thank u so much.

  6. Dear Preethi,

    I read a lot but, few books unsettle me and leave me distraught. Havent read anything on the list. I find Khaled Hosseini's books as heart wrenching and thought provoking. In you list, I am planning to start with the Nightingale.

    Stay safe. Take care. Love to Atul and Purvi:-)


    1. I have read all of his books. Read Maus --maybe your opinion will change. The book which haunted me for ages was Alice Seebold's Lovely Bones

  7. Thanks for the Recommendations Ma'am. My Professor is doing Research on "Holocaust Writings". She used to talk a lot about Hitler and Nazi Camp situations.

  8. Never tried to read Holocaust related. I will give " Man's search for meaning" a try... Thanks for the recommendations😊

    1. It'll change your perspective on life. It'a non fiction book.

  9. Hey Preeti. I remember seeing Book Number 1 and Book Number 4 in your Instagram Statuses. Other than The Diary of Anne Frank, I have not read any books related to the Holocaust. Am sure the books will be very interesting. I will definitely let you know. Thank you. Take care.

  10. Thanks for the recommendations. I like to read about world wars. It was tragic time. I would for sure read the books you mentioned. Also, I have a recommendation related to this. It is about Lebensborn program started by Heinrich Himmler to create a 'racially pure' Aryan race. The name of the book is 'Hitler's Stolen Children" by Ingrid Von Oelhafen & Tim Tate.

    1. Oh wow. Thanks so much Arshdeep. Definitely reading that one.

    2. You are welcome Preeti. I am almost done with the book now. This books gives another dark side of the Hitler's obsession with blood.

  11. Thanks for your list of recommended books. They are on my TBR. I read Man's Search For Meaning last year and loved it, too.

  12. Dear mam,
    Thanks for the recommendations. I have read the first book on 2016 and the second book in 2018, but the other two books are not read by me..i think i will read nightingale next if possible.

  13. Hey Preeti , thanks for for suggestions on the above books . I have only read ,The Boy in stripped pyjamas . It’s part of year 6 curriculum here in the UK , at the end of the book we also showed them the movie , which was very emotional for some kids .

    1. Do you teach there? Where are you based?

    2. Yes I do teach . I live in Swindon (M4;junction 15) there’s a whole story abt how I started reading your books which at the moment I am putting it in a form of a story to post it in my blog which I am in the process of creating . Really appreciate and super pleased to have received a reply from you . Take care x

  14. Namaskaram Preetiji.Nice suggestions.I haven't read any Holocaust literature up till now.Just read "Ann Frank's diary".It was also quite heavy and made me feel the pain and now that the lockdown is there we all are just cooped in the house though minus the fear and persecution of the Holocaust.
    🙏🙏Thank you Mam

  15. Hello Preethi,

    I have read lot of WW2 books and have seen many documenties and movies but getting to read about holocaust makes me very sad. However I read and see the one on capturing the Nazis. Like capturing Eichmann or hunting Nazis. The recent hunters series on prime is about hunting Nazis. Still can't believe it happened 70 75 years back. Sad.



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