My top 5 movies and TV shows.

Hello hello hello!

How was your day today?  You know what I like when I come to my page to blog? Reading all your comments. I usually blog, around this time--at the end of the day, when all my chores are done and I am done for the day. It is a delight then to go through all your comments.
And all of you reading and leaving without writing back to me--I am watching you :)

I really like the interactions here, and I do reach each and every comment, and also reply.

For today's post, I thought I would do my top 5 movies , and TV shows.
My all time favourite movies

1. The Shawshank Redemption : It's been my favourite for many years, and it still remains there.

2. Life is Beautiful :An Italian film directed by Robert Benigni

3. Brokeback Mountain : The passion, the beautiful settings , the brilliant actors make this a must watch.

4.  Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind: Beautiful movie!

5. Pursuit of Happyness: (spelled with a y) ,The Bucket List, Bridge to Terabithia,  Bridges of Madison County, Goodwill Hunting, Big eyes,  The revolutionary road, Little Children,  Cast Away, Green Mile, Sully,  Inglorious Basterds, Toy Story (all the movies), Theory of Everything, Snowden, Boyhood.

( Sorry, it  was impossible to pick just 5!)

My top 5 TV shows:

1. Game of Thrones: They did mess up the last season, but all the seasons before that were brilliant.
2. Narcos: What a show! Pablo Escobar , Agent Penya, The Medellin Cartel, Cali cartel: All of it is such an  interesting and fascinating world.
3. Breaking Bad: Watch it!
4. Marvellous Mrs. Maisel
5. Queer eye,  Marie Kondo, Band of Brothers, Stranger things, Anne with an E, Schitt's Creek,  Delhi Crime.

Again it was hard to stick to five!

These are the ones that come to the top of my mind. I might be forgetting a few. If I recall anymore, I will update this list.

Have you watched any of these? Tell me in comments. on my blog.

Till tomorrow: Distract yourself with a good movie or a TV show!

Lots of love
Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash


  1. Watched Game of thrones, The Shawshank Redemption, Marie kondo, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and boyhood.

  2. I watched breaking bad season1

    1. Guessing you stopped as it 'gets to you'.

  3. When is the book getting released man.. shally @vijita verma here...logged from my husbands account...And phone has some issues..

    1. Trust me, I am more eager than you for the books to reach you guys. They were ready to be shipped on the day the lockdown was announced. Now? Your guess is as good as mine!

  4. Hi Preeti,

    Haven't seen any of these except for the Toy Story (all of them and countless times)...Thanks to my twins ;) Can even sit an exam on the story, setting, scenes and dialogues ;)

    Basically, I was not much into Films and Television. Now I do watch a few films on the Netflix, Amazon prime or Hotstar. My Hubby got me into this virtual world of fantasy and imagination...sometimes reality too (reflected in fiction).

    The ones I enjoy are Quantico, Scorpion, CSI Miami. My all time favourite movies - An affair to remember, My fair lady, Notebook, Emma, Contagion, Intern, Nanny McPhee, Welcome to Sajjanpur, Jaane bhi doh yaaron...and the list goes on...:)

    Stay safe and keep spreading positivity. The World needs it now more than ever...!

    Love, Alka.

    1. Dear Preeti,

      I have commented on your April 14th blogpost too. Since you asked, "How are you?" So there's my narrative about this unprecedented situation. Hope you would read that too. Thanks,

    2. Replied there--and thanks to you, I replied to all others who had commented there as well. I had no idea so many people had commented, as after I finish replying and write my next post, I move on!

  5. Dear Preethi,

    I haven't watched many of what you have suggested. I like regional language movies, but I have been watching The Crown on Netflix and love it. Its Queen Elizabeths reign ans is very gripping and technically brilliant, Aslo, MAde in Heaven , Hindi series by Zoya Aktha on Prime is great too. Shows Women in different shades and does not glorify them. Let me know if you get to watch them and like them

    Preethi, I have read all your books and have even a book signed by you, as I preordered it. I am an IELTS exam trainer and its customory for me to gift your books for the trainees who do eceptionally well and for those who couldnt crack it, but were very sincere and dedicated.

    I wish I had a new book of yours to read now in these tough times (too much to ask for :-) )

    Love you lots,

    1. I LOVED made in Heaven too..I should have mentioned it. I didnt like Crown much.
      Thank you so much! You can always read my short stories (which are only available as ebooks or you can read any of my books as ebooks).
      Lots of love and good wishes to you and your trainees!

  6. Hi, watched Stranger things from your list and Toy story! Recently I liked Money heist very much and I completed all seasons! It is fabulous! Currently watching Geo storm movie. After this would watch Friends. That’s it. :)

    1. Binge watched Stranger things. My son too raves about Money Heist but I couldn't get past a few episodes!

  7. We watched Narcos recently and it is top on my list. A totally different world.
    Watching Ozark now.

    1. Will try Ozark. I am currently watching Lucifer and loving it.

  8. I have never watched any of this movies or Tv Shows.

    1. They are all adult shows..If I remember you are very young?

  9. Hai mam, as said already I don't watch tv shows. Even after u said me to watch a few, I dint get time for it. I am working for a PSB and we are working all days. Will try watching after after the lockdown.
    Have a great day :)
    With love

    1. Awww...thats okay. Just shared as these ones I like. Many from this are 18 plus, full of violence and sex.

  10. Hi Preeti. I have watched only a few of the movies which you have mentioned above. Really loved Toy Story and I think I was in 9th Grade when I watched it for the first time. It always feels nice to watch the movies which were special during childhood. During this Lockdown period, we have been catching up with the Malayalam Movies as they telecast a lot of classics which I have not seen before. Then there are a few movies which are so funny that one feels like watching over and over again! Since I do not have Netflix, I have not watched any of the above mentioned shows, but have definitely read about them in your posts. Take care. Have a nice day.

    1. Alright! Once you start Netflix a different world opens!

  11. Wonderful set of movies and TV shows there. Most on my to-watch.

    Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is such a wonderful movie to go back to - I can't forgive nor forget - so the concept just hit a different chord!

    1. True true..It was soooo differently refreshing.

  12. Thank you for this list Mam! I haven't watched any of these movies. I will try to now.
    The other day I watched Marvellous Mrs Maisel Season 1 (first episode) in Amazon Prime. It was good but I didn't feel like watching it more.
    I have heard about Shawshawnk Redemption a lot. I think I should watch it.

    1. Guess our tastes are different in this, and that's okay!

  13. Here's my review from 2006 of 'The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' from one of my blogs. Spoiler alert in case you still haven't watched the movie:

    1. Thanks for sharing--and I have watched! :)

  14. Dear Preeti Jee,
    Love to read your blog everyday. Feeling very happy about it. I have seen films pursuit of Happyness and Life is Beautiful. I'm a great fan of GOT. Thanks for the suggestions. will try to watch the rest. Stay happy... Thank you...,
    With love

    1. Ah, if you like GoT then you will like my list! Thanks for leaving me a comment. :)

  15. Hi Preethi,

    I have started watching money Heist. Liked it but too much of swearing and adult content, so have to see when kids are not around. I have seen the looming towers , jack Ryan season 1 and 2, family man , hunters. After seeing shows in prime and Netflix i am now finding it difficult to go back to regular tv :).

    Thank you for your great posts and replying to every comments.


    1. Yeah--you can never go back to television after Netflix. I dont watch TV anyway...only movies and shows.

  16. Have you watched Money Heist? It's one of the best series in Netflix.

    1. My son raves about it...but I didnt like it much. Watched a few episodes! May be I will give it another try. It didn't strike a chord with me.

  17. Hello Preetiji,
    Really difficult post you have outta here.Hoe singularly difficult to choose best 5 movies in a single language leave alone world cinema.
    Watched almost all movies you mentioned other favs are
    The Godfather,TheFollowing,The Big Short,The Man who knew Infinity,My Fair Lady,Uncle Tom's cabin, Schindler's List,Inception,Dial M for Murder,Taxi Driver ,Silver Linings Playbook,Fight .Club,Up in the Air,The Great Escape,Rain man. I can go on and on
    World Movies:
    The Bicycle Thrives,Songs of the sparrow,No man's land,The kite runner,Ballad of a soilder,.....
    Web Series - Prison Break,Breaking Bad,Made in Heaven,Asur,Money Heist.
    Always love your posts and I do leave a comment and always eager to hear from you.

    1. Oh yes--I have watched many from your list too. Thank you for writing back and sharing! :)

  18. This post is really going to help me ,when in dis lockdown iam confused as to which movie to is beautiful .....I gonna start with.

  19. How about The Godfather?


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