Hello. Tell me how you are!

Hello there!

How was your day today?

Today completes 21 days of lockdown. But now that it has been extended, I am extending the #21days of positivity too, as requested by many many of you. Thank you for the thundering 'ayes' to my question of whether I should continue.

For today's post, I thought we would talk about the #Lockdown itself , and do a recap of  the impact it has had on all our lives.

How have these 21 days been for you?

For me, these 21 days have been rather pleasant and peaceful, although crazily busy. As regards the housework, Satish and I do it all ourselves. Our children are both studying outside India (yes, they are safe). Since it is just two of us, it is not hard to manage at all. He and I both cook, wash, clean, water the plants etc. I have my art to do (I make a portrait daily), I have my daily workout plus a lot of other tasks.I run on a tight schedule and before I realise it, yet another day has passed.

I live in a very  small gated community  (hardly 20 families spread over an extremely  large area ; even our houses follow social distancing!) . The gates are sealed ever since the lockdown was announced.  We have an arrangement with a local grocer, where we order stuff in turns. 4-5 families can order on the same day. We write our requirements on a piece of paper and leave it at the security gate, in a bag along with our name, Villa number and phone number. The grocer picks it up in the morning. By evening, he delivers it to the security personnel, and we collect it. One person co-ordinates the payment to the grocer. Thus we do not have to leave our homes at all. But we don't always get what we order as it is out of stock. So he substitutes it with what he thinks would be acceptable. We're learning to quickly adapt.

How are you all getting your groceries and essentials? How is it in your area or neighbourhood? Do let me know which part of the world you are from, and how your situation is right now. How has your life changed? Do you find it hard? Are you worried? Are you stressed? Are you sleeping well?

 Do share in my comment box, so that everyone who reads this post knows they are not alone right now, and so many are going through the same difficult situation.

Stay home. Stay safe. Save lives.
Until tomorrow
Lots of love
Photo by Sandie Clarke on Unsplash


  1. I'm from Tamilnadu. We are four members in the family Appa, Amma and my Younger Brother. We live in a small town named Periyakulam in Theni District. I am pursing my Master's in English. It's my Final year of the course. I am missing my professors a lot during this lock down days.
    During last 21 Days I have read five books and I am writing diary daily to remember this Days for Lifetime because I hope that we'll never have this kind of days in our life hereafter. And, I am writing my Own Blog

    1. Wow--your profs must be so good! I don't remember missing any teacher/prof of mine, when I was in school/college. I think I used to hate all of them !! :D
      True, this is a unique time!

  2. Good morning :) I live in Hyderabad with my husband(we moved recently as we are newly wed). We are blessed to stay in our area here where we rented two months back! Our place is almost a mini village. We are blessed as we are close to almost everything as we don’t need to rush to the Center. Just Opposite to us is a diary(so all milk products available), there are two to three stores in a triangular setting( one to the right , left and one to the back lane of my house. They are quite big! So once in 7-9 days we purchase and come. I go out only in the mornings( around 7) so that gathering of ppl is less.there is one exclusive dry fruit store where we purchased once for salads and fruit market is very near to us. So the hawkers move now and then in the street. In that way we are able to survive better. Grateful a lot!! And we are not wasting a single item especially in the situation. We are using it wisely

    1. Ah, the bliss of newly-'weddedness' !! Hearty congrats. It's such a unique time and it would have made your bond even stronger. God Bless!

  3. Thank you very much for your concern Mam! I stay in Malleshwaram, Bengaluru and right now it's safe. But my husband works in BTV News and he has to go to his office daily as he has a very responsible job of being a CTO. He doesn't allow me to go shopping even for groceries as he is scared. He himself shops everything and we keep the vegetables and fruits under the sun for 4 hours and then wash them. I clean the grocery items with a wet cloth and then keep inside. My parents' house is in BTM Layout and my kids and my sister's kids are staying there and are enjoying. My parents are quite fit and are handling them good. 😂 My sister's house is in Tumkur.
    So I am missing my kids badly and once I cried a lot. Now somehow I have balanced myself and hoping that everything will be back to normal again.

    1. I am just curious to know why your kids went there? Did they go there to spend the vacation and then the lockdown was announced? Since you are in the same city, can't you get them back?

    2. Yeah Mam! They went for vacation and then the lockdown was announced.

  4. I am a native of Uttarakhand. And I have been living in Delhi for more than 8 years. This year in January, My father passed away. So I had to go to my village and to stay there for more than two and a half months. My mother is still in the village. I got back to Delhi on the 18th of March. I had planned to relocate to Haldwani, a city in Uttarakhand as it is near to my village and start my own work. On the 19th of March, the PM announced the Janta Curfew of the 22nd of March. So we were thinking to leave Delhi on the 23rd but on the 22nd of March, the PM again announced a lockdown for 21 days. Earlier we were thinking that it'd be normal as we haven't faced this kind of situation in the past. But as time is passing by it is becoming difficult more and more. And watching the news channels is increasing the panic more and more.
    I live here in rented accommodation with my wife and younger brother. In this building, more than five families have been stranded. How would we follow "Social Distancing" in this cramped building? To our horror, one guy who lives next to us on the same floor has started coughing and sneezing for around two weeks. It is really horrible to imagine. So we don't have any other alternative but to put a mask on every time and try to avoid contact with them.
    We don't even know whether we'll survive or not because the situation is becoming worse in Delhi. So as to keep our mind calm we write, sing, watch movies and listen to music. My mother calls us in every alternate hour. We have no hope with the Government. Therefore we pray to the supreme lord May the situation gets better soon.

    1. What a bummer. The grief from your father passing, and added to that these lockdown woes. I hope your coughing neighbour feels better soon. You will 100% survive. Do not be scared.
      Take care! Prayers and good wishes and good vibes.

    2. Thanks for your kind words ma'am. Best Wishes.

  5. Hello mam,
    I live in Chennai in a small flat with my husband, 2 daughters & hubby's aunt staying with us...my in-laws are in groundfloor flat....my daily routine during these 21 days were like I used to get up early & complete with my affirmations or sessions of NLP course i had taken & my meditation, then i water my plants & then start with my cooking...in the afternoon we play as a family & most of the other house hold work would be done by the aunt who is of 70 yrs but she finds happiness in doing these....i do yoga asanas for 1/2 hr to 45 minutes & play with my kids at terrace for 1/2 hr in the evening...then i have this live session with one of my NLP trainer or any webinars in the evening for 1 hr...at times i read books, write my journal, do healings, spend some time with my in-laws...read & comment your blog....
    I speak to my plants which is the one i enjoy the most....
    for vegetables & groceries, i go out weekly once & buy the necessities for us & our in-laws....we also try to get some fruits & vegetables online...but ofcourse we don't get all of them....many are out of stock...still am happy to know that we have managed 21 days with most of positive mindset inspite of stress going on around others outside....

    1. How old are your kids? Thank you for sharing your days with us!

    2. Hi mam,
      I have two daughters, one is 131/2 yrs old & the other is 11 yrs old...Their names are Arundhati & Swati & studying in 10th & 7th respectively....Feel too happy to see a reply from you....Thank you mam....

      Your smile inspires me...keep smiling

  6. Hi! As always your post in my inbox made my day! I live in suburban Chennai near the zoo. It's a village called Unamancherry. My mom who is 65 and a heart patient goes out to buy the groceries from the nearby store. My dad is 72 and is just recovering from a cataract operation. I'm 43 and have RA and other lifestyle diseases. So yeah, it's been tough, but we have been managing. I've been doing the dishes and cleaning the car. Mom's been cooking. Sleep has been an issue for me...Anyway, my post is turning out rather negative, so let me just say we are fine:)

    Your art is beautiful and I really enjoy your blog posts! They arrive at just the right moment in my day:)

    1. Hello! Glad you decided to comment here and not dash off a mail. Welcome to my blog!
      I had to google what RA is. For me too, sleep has been an issue. Even if I sleep, I am awake in 15-20 minutes. I think it is anxiety. I find that workouts help me sleep really well, as does meditation.
      Thank you so much for the kind words about my art, and also for your comments.
      Also you are blessed and fortunate to have both your parents.

  7. Dear Madam , I eagerly wait for your posts daily ..I have learned a lot about so many things from your posts (&your books of course ). Nice to know about the unique way in which you get your groceries. Currently I are leaving in Thane (Mumbai) .only once in say 4-5 days I need to go out to get some day to day food/vegetable/groceries for my family. Other wise it is mostly attending company webinars ,reading books , E newspapers , & doing a few day to day household work.
    Sleep doesn't come very easily ,since for over the years I have been a traveling salesman (& sort of used to good amount of physically demanding work ) . I am trying to adjust myself to this new normal (& a little worried & excited too since in the professional world things won't be the same any longer & the nature of work which I am accustomed too is likely to undergo a paradigm shift ) ....

    1. Oh yes, everywhere, in every industry there are talks of downsizing real estate space and allowing more people to work from home. This pandemic has changed the way we look at things forever. I too have a sleep problem. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques help me.

  8. Hii mam, thank you so much for extending your blog... I am from Tirunelveli in Tamilnadu, really i don't feel any difference in this lock down because am used to that, it may seems to be odd. I live with my amma and my other family members are safe in different places of our country. we dont have such family time like everyone said. Always me and amma used to be together... there are several strict rules followed by cops in our place... we don't get out usually i don't... so nothing seems to change in my life. I carry on my daily routine with extra meee time....

    1. You seem comfortable! When i hear Tirunelveli, the first thing that comes to my mind is Halwa! (blame it on that hit tamil song!) Glad your family members are safe!

  9. Ashok Sharma here. I am from Trivandrum in Kerala.. The most sad part is that I lost my wife on 15th February . It's exactly two months since I lost her The Covid 19 scare had not been so alarming that time . Even though she would have suffered a lot if she had survived. I miss her a lot at this time of lock 🔒 down
    Memories are making me stronger than before and less emotional these days
    I get up early. 530 am Exercise and meditation for 30 minutes
    News paper reading..
    Listen to music I love cooking.. Then reading. I am reading the book by Shri Sreenivasan T P on Modiplomacy..
    I have helped the Tourism India an internationally acclaimed tourism organisation develop a video on positivity for the tourists during the lock 🔒 down days..
    Evening I water 💦 the plants Try to communicate with them . See them flower 🌸 and also rejuvenate I plan to develop a vegetable garden with the help of the Agricultural department...

    I have an early dinner . Sleep at least for 6 to 8 hours.

    1. I am so so so sorry for your loss. I am glad you are becoming stronger. Lots of love and positive vibes to you. Yeah, it is so satisfying to grow veggies, and Kerala govt. helps a lot like distributing seeds etc.

  10. Hi Good day
    I am a native of Kerala but works in West Africa .
    My wife has a good collection of your books which I am reading one by one.
    My fav is surely " A hundred little flames " .
    The lock down has ignited my urge for reading .

    1. Hi! Good to 'meet' you. Glad you are reading, and thank you for leaving a comment.

  11. Hi ma'am. I'm penning down from Srikakulam town, a district of Andhra Pradesh. I stay here with my hubby. We both are new to this place, just 2 years post marriage we are residing here. We sometimes feel like aliens in this town, as we don't know the local language. We don't know what's happening around us & in these time it has become difficult to figure out certain things. Would like to quote one such incidence, our area vegetables and fruits market is shifted to a huge open ground from the initial crowded area to ease social distancing. For nearly a week, we didn't know about it & had to manage with whatever veggies we had. Thankfully our neighbor in our apartment told us about it. People here hardly speak anything other than Telugu. So we manage with sign language 😁 My biggest positive vibe are my students & I'm them missing badly. I have started writing diary on these lockdown days, so that I can read out my experience with my future generation. Only unread book of yours I have currently is Love a little stronger. I'm reading it slowly as I have to retain it till my school reopens or till I get your next book. Apart from that, with limited resources I have started to get a good catch at my kitchen. I'm not an expert in cooking, so these days seeing YouTube I have cooked some Bengali dishes for my foodie hubby. Thanks for your blogs ma'am & I awe at your art along with the short write ups. Thanks for being amidst us ma'am, in these tough times.

    1. Hi Swati,
      Lovely to hear about your life, and thank you for a glimpse into your world. I am sure you will be back with your students once all this ends! Lots of love to you.

  12. My days are simple
    4)Daily Pooja and Meditation
    5)Reading (Books,Blogs, newspapers,)
    6)Was preparing a blueprint for a new venture now all calculations have gone haywire and would have to redo all plans.
    7)Groceries least of my concern coz I had gone for a work-holiday to Pune and returned on 15th March.Had done 2 months of grocery shopping before going.So stocked up till May .Perishables are purchased once in a week.
    8)Cleaning the house and washing the utensils and clothes and tyding the house
    9)Exercising a bit
    10)Taking small online courses for investments to meditation
    And sometimes Being Just lazy lie down and binge watch on movies.

    1. Glad you are keeping yourself, busy and happy! Thank you for sharing!

  13. Hi Preeti. I live in Mangaluru with my Mom and Husband. We get groceries delivered by a Supermarket. All we do is send our list via WhatsApp and the items are delivered to our gate as we live in an Apartment. Regarding the Vegetables, there is a truck which visits apartment complexes once in two days. We are pretty stocked up, so do not have to go out often. This situation has changed me a lot. Since I am home, I am able to help my Mom with the household chores and other activities. When I used to go to work, I would be out of the house for 70 percent of the day. So I am happy that I have developed a sense of responsibility. There is no deadline to get things done. Everything is going smoothly and I have got used to this routine. I also find time to do things I could not before, like read, watch movies and call my friends or relatives. I am not sleeping peacefully because there will always be some anxiety about this whole new situation which has put each and every individual. When I get up in the morning, I think, how many more people are suffering? How many are cured? How many were cured but back to having the symptoms? It is scary and I know that some day everything will be okay, but when? That is the answer everyone is waiting for. Stay safe! Take care!

    1. I think many of us are having sleep issues. I am happy about the fact that you are getting time with your mom. Lots of love.

  14. Hey Preeti, Have been a silent follower for a while.
    My routine hasn't changed much except for skipping the 3.5 hour travel to and fro work.. so I have started to use the time to walk/exercise :-)

    I love the positivity in your posts. Stay safe :-)

    1. Hey deeps,
      Welcome to my blog! Nice when the silent observers speak up. Exercise is great isn't it?

  15. Hi Preeti,

    It's midnight here in the UK from where I am typing this comment. And Europe is not the place to be in these dark days. Being a Doctor's wife...I have forgotten what it is like to sleep or stay calm. He is on the frontline managing the ICU for critical patients. I am trying to string on the words - Strength, Hope, Calm and Positivity...Yet I collapse internally... To sweep the shattered pieces back again...Pull up a brave face and join my hands in prayer. And then run to the sweet calls of my twins, fixing my face with a forced smile.

    Doing all the household chores by myself is nothing new here...Homeschooling kids is a new full time engagement now. It's a blessing in disguise too as I willingly plunge into this sea to avoid flames of anxiety. I know it's not a "fun to read" nice comment but as they say, "You give what you have!" Hope to write a better positive comment next time.

    Love, Alka.

    1. Hey alka
      Have no idea why you think that I only want "fun to read" comments. Being a doctor's wife, I can imagine the risk, the scare and anxiety. Glad your twins keep you sane!
      Love to you and your family.

  16. Hello Mam. Today I am catching up on your posts hence the later reply.
    I work in an mnc in Bangalore and am doing wfh now. We have our twins who are 4 years old and my husband and my mom. With no house help and wfh things are difficult. To top it keeping the twins engaged. However I ensure to take them to terrace every evening for an hour or 2. And every night when kids sleep I sit in balcony with cool breeze blowing and read or watch a show on Netflix. That 1 hour charges me to face the next day.


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