Winni and Jap (blog marathon post 17)

Can you guess what this is?

  It is a birth certificate. :-)

Do you know whose?

It is Jap's. Did I hear you ask Jap who?

Well, meet Winnie and Jap. They live in my children's room.

Jap was created at Build a bear workshop where children can create their own bear. He shares a birthday with my son :-)  He even has a heart inside which both my children kissed before they put it in and created him.

Winnie has a large heart but he  does not have a birth certificate . Everyone knows A.A.Milne created him :-)

Yesterday after the children left for school, I found Jap and Winnie neatly tucked into a bed which my daughter had created using her old t-shirt, her toy crate and her favourite fleece blaket. I smiled and meant to ask her about it but  I forgot.
I remembered only three days later and they were still in bed, neatly tucked.

"Oh my God!  Look at this.Aren't you going to wake Jap and Winnie ? They have been sleeping for three days. What is this? Wake them up now. They have slept enough." I playfully told my daughter.

"Maaa" she said in a slightly amused tone, "Don't you know bears hibernate? They can sleep for months."  When did my little girl become  little  miss smarty pants? I had never noticed.

I am still smiling :-)
Current Mood video (see right or click on link) : Let me be your Teddy Bear--Elvis Presley  (a lovely song!)


  1. sweeetttt!! I love build the bear stores too!!! Jap and Winnie are too good!!!! Lots to learn from lil' ones uh!!!:-)

  2. aww! Wait. You get to create your own teddy bears? And they get their own birth certificates? How cool is that :)
    I thought it was your graduation certificate from the portrait course :D

  3. awww...very sweet. Imagine that, A birth certificate for a stuffed toy! And kids these days are much smarter than we think they are!

  4. How cute is that!!! I love Jap :) And, of course, who doesn't love Winnie :)))

    The tucked in pics are awesome!!!!!

  5. ROFL @ Hibernation bit... She is getting smarter by the day :-)

  6. how cool... birth certificate and all.. too much! and kids these days are damn smart!!

    This post also reminded me of another post i read a few months ago. will email you link :)

  7. Wow that's really smart of Purvy :)
    Winni and Jap are really cute and can't believe they made Jap themselves..

  8. wow.what a wonderful daughter you have. your kids are really bright,you are a very lucky parent,keep it up.................

  9. Hey wonderful tale.. Enjoyed reading it..:)

  10. A real smart gal you have got there :)... Winnie and Jap looks cute all cuddled up :)

  11. Wow-birth certificate and all.too damn i know why there is so much rush at build a bear shops :)
    nice bed by purvy.

  12. Rohit: I liked how she had tucked them in :)

    Thinker: :-)

    Horizon: yes--she has made their beds nicely indeed :)

    Anusha: heheheh :)

  13. Sushobhan: Thank you

    Aswathy: :-) Big smile :-)

    Books: First time on my blog.Welcome! :) Thanks :)

    Dhanya: Oh--they have different 'outers' which child can choose..Then they help them fill it and personalise it. Final stitching etc is done by machines only :) But you dee it being created in front of your eyes and you can decide how hard, how soft, you can kiss the heart which goes inside, give it a voice etc :) Most kids love to do this. Secretly I also do :P

    Mamta: post you sent was really good :D

    Prats: :D

    Palsworld: Yeah! even I loved the way she had tucked them in :)

  14. RGB: yeah--smart marketing concept indeed!

    Meira: heheheheh..yeah--it is indeed lovely. Secretly I also wanted to make one :P Maybe on my birthday :P :D

    Durga: yeah--secretly i also love build a bear :P I must be 6 years old :P :D

  15. The bear workshop sounds like a lovely concept.

    And ur daughter is the smartest:-D!!!


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