100 years of Fathers day.( blog marathon post 20)

Today is actually the 100th anniversary of the tradition of celebrating Fathers day which is observed in about 55 countries on the third Sunday in the month of June.It was started by Sonora Dudd on 19th June 1910, who felt strongly, after listening to a Church sermon about newly recognised Mothers day that fathers too need to be honoured and recognised. Her own father was a civil war veteran who  was left to raise a family of 6 children alone after his wife died, giving birth to the sixth child.

Today a lot of commercialisation has taken place with promotions in stores beginning weeks in advance, at least in the U.K. One would have to be blind to miss the offers, the gigantic banners, gifting suggestions, attractively arranged displays at shop windows and even mails landing in your inbox luring you to buy, buy and buy. If you have missed buying out, they even have 'late deals' where you can gift you can print out gift vouchers and give them to your father so he can buy what he wants.

How important is it to buy a gift for your father on Father's day? Personally I think, my dad would really have not cared whether I had gifted him something on father's day or any other day. He would have valued it just the same.

However I guess, it is nice to do something different and who does not like to be pampered a bit? Also it is difficult to escape the barrage of emotional deluge which seem to suggest that  you are somehow less of a son or daughter if you do not do something for your dad on fathers day.

What I would believe is more than a hurriedly bought last minute gift, what a father would truly appreciate is some time of yours and would love listening to what has been going on  in your life, your work, your career and other things. He would love it if you asked advice from him in an area of his expertise.

Do it  if you are fortunate enough to have him , no matter what kind of a father he has been.Value what you have, while you still have it.

I cannot do it any more even if I want to, though I wish with all my heart that I could. I would give anything I have, just anything, to be able to talk to him for just 5 minutes. When you lose someone who means the world to you, the pain never really goes away, you just learn to bury it deeper.

A very happy fathers day to all the dad out there, especially to the father of my children. You are valued, admired appreciated and loved a lot.

Current mood video (see right or click on link): Dance with my father


  1. Beautiful post. A very happy father's day to all fathers and fathers to be... I know what it means to have a great father and to value him that much.

  2. wow! that' quite a feet.. :)

    Cheers to father's day..:)

  3. Hope you all enjoyed Fathers day,
    and rightly said "Value what you have, while you still have it".


  4. Very true Preeti..
    When you lose someone who means the world to you, the pain never really goes away, you just learn to bury it deeper

  5. I agree. It feels nice to gift people. Most people like recieving well-thought of gifts from their loved ones. Even if it is a handmade card or a book :)

  6. Agree with the pain never really going away part. I, too, lost my father 17 years back and would give anything to be able to talk to him again.

    Hope Satish had a great Father's Day :)

  7. mothers and fathers the world over are synonymous with unconditional love, sacrifice and patience especially with their children(mine are)

    I don't subscribe to the concept of father's day., mother's day etc.,. so no gifting

    i gift whenever i like and recently gifted my parents the pleasure of our company for one whole month(they happily bonded with their grandchildren during vacation).

  8. Hmm... Great post! I had really enjoyed reading your relation with K (your father). I think the relations of love do not require any formality. Love itself is enough. As far as gifts are concerned, they should be the token of love and not the exhibition of money and should be given whenever there is overflowing love.

  9. Hi Preeti, this post is just a coincidence... As I had some what similar thaught going in my mind... It's the big marketing or the biggest sales pith lately has been started by retailers... In US also u definately has to be Mahatma Gandhi 3 monkeys quality to avoid noticing...
    Gifts were ranging from cloths accessories to garden tools to garage tool to sporting gears to electronics nothing was spared...

    My dad will not show extra effection if I would have greeted him today...

    I also ended up somewhat similar post on my blog... Have a glance if u have time...


  10. I miss my Dad everyday.

    'Value what you have, while you still have it.' - Absolutely!

  11. Yeah, the commercialization is bad. I had to run out of this huge Archies in a Bangalore mall, this time the festivity was unbearably painful. Honestly I'd give anything too just to talk to my father again :(


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