Rejection (Blog marathon Post 7)

heartbroken Pictures, Images and Photos

My life
Neatly Gift wrapped
Well packaged
Tied up with a ribbon
Of Hope and happiness
I offer
As a package.

You gaze
And turn away
As I watch your
Embarrassment changing  to disdain
You pretend not to notice
The package
Which lies neglected
Like worn shoes discarded by the door.

It is then that
The pain explodes
A million little shrapnels
Bits of my soul really
Scatter in all directions
I try in vain to gather the pieces

It is hard to bear.

© 2010 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.

Current Mood Video (see right) : Metallica Nothing else matters


  1. Wonderful :)
    Very nice!!

  2. Very beautiful poem written with a heart full of sorrow (i suppose), the sorrow of rejection. But this is common in life, nature provides the gift of beautiful flowers, trees, wild animals etc but many a men have never bothered to see & appreciate these gifts of nature. but nature always sings a hapiness song, CAN WE LEARN SOMETHING?

  3. Wonderful poem.. Reading it from ur side after a very long time.. :)

    Rejection is sometimes pretty difficult to handle..

  4. Sushobhan: yes. Well observed. Writing such a poem after very long :)

    Roshan: of course we can learn. But to appreciate the beauty of flowers one needs to have felt the pain of fragility of life.

    Chatterbox: Thank you:)

  5. I think the beauty of life is in its fragility. u see everything which have short life, flowers, birds, butterflies, (many) wild animals etc. are full of life. life in real sense is always surrounded by dangers.

  6. Very Lovely and true

  7. Nice!

    I guess outright rejection can still be handled... but when you are accepted first and then rejected the pain multiplies a countless times.

  8. Wonderfully penned... An emotion captured in its fragile and entire form. Often in life all of us would have undergone rejection in one way or the other but I have never come across such a beautiful rendition of the pain it is associated with. Kudos to the poet :)

  9. simply lovely preeti

  10. Ouch!
    Its a very nice poem! :)
    Specially loved the way embarassment comes in first and then those little shrapnels go hurting everywhere! :)

  11. Here for the first time. Wonder how I stumbled upon your blog...but I'm glad I did. I like the way you started off - Life being nicely gift wrapped and stuff and then you nicely tapered down to the harsh truth - the pain of rejection.

  12. Ek yahi cheej hai jo mere sir pe se bounce kar jati hai ;)

  13. awww so sweet..such feelings come when you are truly hurt

  14. //Rejection
    It is hard to bear.//

    200% True..

    Very nice poem..

  15. Rejection at any and every level is hard to bear - be it a lover, friend, colleague, boss, sibling. It is then difficult to re-gather the hope & happiness.

    I would rather you write cheerful poems Preeti.

  16. palsworld: I need to express my sorrow too. I am not always happy :P :)

    Sundari:Thank you :)

    Aish-nini: yes :P :)

    Rohit: LOL. May it always remain so :P :)

    RGB: Welcome to my blog and glad you liked it :) Thanks for the compliments. Gracefully accepted :)

  17. Hey Preeti, a real beutiful and true composition.... The word from which everyone wants to stay untouched and enscattered....

    Cheers and have a nice day,

  18. MS: :-)Thanks :-)

    Himani:Thank you!

    Anusha: Thanks a lot! rue--all of us have faced rejection sometime or the other. depending on importance we attach to it, it hurts more/less.

    Mamta: i agree. Outright, one does feel hurt but not as hurt as if there was acceptance first. That truly is devastating. Thanks :)

    Prats; thank you

    Roshan: Yes. true.

  19. Anish: thank you. True nobody wants it, yet sometimes one has to face it.

  20. Its beautiful....even tho its abt pain & rejection:-)

    Just a doubt..."Embarrassment changing to disdain"
    Somehow disdain doesnt gel or is the protagonist pretending?

  21. Reflections: No no..Even MS misinterpreted the poem. Embarrassment and disdain is on the face of the person the protagonist gives the gift to. She watches HIS emotion it?
    Thanks :)

  22. :( this is making me angry on the gift-receiver. :-/

  23. Aaaah ok, got it;-)

    p.s: atleast u knw I'm reading the heavy stuff;-D

  24. Reflections, MS: I added one word now in the poem. I guess it will be clearer now :)

    MS--he was just an a-hole who did not deserve her love. She should have known better! Now she does :)

    Reflections: Oh I know you do :)

  25. This is pretty bleak! have obviously known rejection at sometime in your life, i recognise the sentiment!

  26. Ashwini:Thanks! Just went to your blog. Last post was in Feb! Not blogging anymore?

    Niall: yes. Haven't we all?

  27. beautiful..every word so good..rejection breaks down a person and sometimes gives it a negative shade!

  28. Anonymous1:14 AM

    I always love your poems :)


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