On writing prompts and a text exchange (blog marathon post 4)


Every day of this blog marathon, there is a writing prompt given which you can follow if you like. Usually I do not like it! That leaves me with no option but to think of something interesting to write (as I hate to do filler posts) or to ask my good friends for suggestions.

 I asked Satish to tell me what to write about. He suggested something really hilarious  (and a bit scandalous if you're slightly prudish :p ) which had happened to him. But I felt he would say it better than me and I could persuade him to do so in a guest post. (Mental note to myself: Hound him/pound him/ground him/ impound him till he writes. heh heh heh. He is blissfully unaware of my intentions. :-) See what all I do just to get a funny post across to you. You do appreciate, don't you? Thank you! :-))

Then I texted a dear friend and asked him for a writing prompt.

" Lethargy, procrastination, laziness" he texted back.(Did I mention he has a sense of humour? :) )

"That was PROMPT " I replied  but of course he side-stepped the wit and just as I hit 'send', I had another text from him.

"Which is stronger? Inspiration or desperation?  Do good fences make good neighbours?" read his text.

"Which is stronger depends on 1.Which side of the fence you are 2.How hot the neighbour is 3.How strong her husband/boyfriend is! :D LOL " was  my instant reply.

I could picture him smiling as he read my text just as I can picture you now, smiling as you read this post :-)

Sometimes right prompts are not write-prompts, wrong prompts are right prompts and prompt prompts are a lot of fun :-)

Don't you agree? :)
Current mood video: 'I get by with a little help from my friends' by Bon Jovi which is also there by Beatles (original) and Joe cocker.


  1. I m first to comment.

  2. ROFL..:) ya it really brought a smile on my face.. :)

    Ya prompts in different ways make those chats lively and entertaining..:)

  3. Write a post to find prompt to write a post is a right prompt

  4. That was fun :)
    You are wonderful with words Preeti :D
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. LOL.... now this is a prompt comment :)

  6. hehehe.. really funny :)

  7. hahaha absolutely agree!

  8. Right, absolutely agree with you! :)

  9. 2.How hot the neighbour is

    Now you make me go for the thrid in
    "Which is stronger? Inspiration or desperation?

  10. :-) thats right!

  11. Hey hi,

    your post are always amazing to read, but when u decided that u would e starting up with a 30 days marathon blog, i was thinking wow that's awesome, but immediately i had a though, what all the 30 post would be.....
    But u are just awesome... and specially this one, which you call as a filler i really nice and sweets...

    have a nice weekend...

  12. This was a highly thought-provoking post.
    I am checking out all my neighbours now! :P

  13. MS: heheheh :-) U never know what you're missing till you actually check out! :P :)

    Anish: Oh--but this is NOT a filler post!! This is a proper blog post! I thought I specified that :)Thanks though :)

    Durga: :-)

    Maddy: :-) Which is stronger for you? :-)

  14. Chandni: Thanks :)

    Thinker: :D Thanks :)

    Aish_nini: :-) Thank you :-)

    Anusha: very prompt indeed! :-)

  15. Chatterbox: thank you! Hope u have a great weekend too!

    Rohit: Prompt comment and text too :-) Sorry I missed your call. Was sleeping. (weekend I wake up very late) Thank you for the regular comments!

    Sushobhan: Glad it did :)

    Jyotiajay: yes you are :)

  16. Chatterbox: thank you! Hope u have a great weekend too!

    Rohit: Prompt comment and text too :-) Sorry I missed your call. Was sleeping. (weekend I wake up very late) Thank you for the regular comments!

    Sushobhan: Glad it did :)

    Jyotiajay: yes you are :)

  17. Agreee.. and that really made me smile :):)

  18. i could not understand what this prompt is? i m new to this blogging world...

  19. Lol! hahahahahahaha!
    What a fun post! Almost felt it pop out of a reader's digest.
    The last line is an absolute tongue twister - patent it quickly! ;)

    P.S: Would you like to save my mobile number some day?

  20. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...Good one Preeti...Btw, pl do hound Satish enough so that he does do the guest post :)

  21. Good sense of humour preeti and good luck for the blog marathon.

  22. Asha: thank you :)

    Palsworld: Will do :)

    Sparkling: heheheh. of course--do send :-) Or better still save my friend's number :P :-)

    Roshan: Writing prompt just means a topic which you can write about. It is not necessarily for blogging. kids in schools can be given writing prompts for their english essays.

    pins n ashes: Glad it did :)

  23. Extreme wit! Your replies were hilarious!

  24. awesome totally loooved it!!!!

  25. :)

    that was so funny :)


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