Do you know how to wear a sari? (Blog marathon post 19)

Really sorry.
I had to remove this post as it is selected for publication elsewhere and making it available online would be unfair to my publishers.
Thanks for the interest!


  1. Oh i love sarees and wear them whenever i can....though i would like to wear them more u said weather does not permit that. :)

  2. oh my god! you are a mind reader! Or I can send you telepathic messages!!!! Okay calming down, just yesterday, seriously, just yesterday..I was thinking that you probably own a couple of the Kerala offwhite sarees. I love them and am a proud owner of two of them..anyway, so I was thinking that you probably own them too. Why this thought process? Well, I was just wondering that you are the mom to two kids, definitely don't look it(in a nice way! I mean), you have achieved so much, the picture in the header is the modern you. I was just wondering how the traditional you in the Kerala saree would look..and today I see the picture! and you look amazing!

    Am I telepathic or what?? :)

  3. You look gorgeous here, ma'am!

    The last time I went to an Indian restaurant, a Caucasian girl came in a saree and she was wearing it like she wears it everyday (the saree is alleged to be damn uncomfortable, if my cousins are to be believed).

    (I could not resist commenting on what is supposedly a post for women, but then again, you look gorgeous here)

  4. hmmmmmm.... i agree to the point mentioned.. just realised that i also support the point unconsciously and have some times asked my female friends if they knew how to wear a sari atleast.. got varied response.. but most of them were yes.. was glad to know that :)

    on other note, i personally like to wear "kurta payjama" when ever find a appropriate event.. sometimes even sherwani and the thing goes with it :P

  5. Brilliant post, preeti! You echoed my sentiments about wearing saree. I get quite irritated when girls and women proudly whine about inability to wear a saree and manage it. most of the men with whom I have had a chance to talk on saree claim that its one of the most elegant attire a woman can carry. And look at these women! Really shameful.
    Loved this post and couldn't resist the urge to comment :)

  6. Oh yes, saree in fact is such a beautiful costume and reflects traditional India in a proud way!!
    You look awesome in this, and love your saree here!!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. you look grt preeti di :) n yes a wnderful sentiment... n thnk god i know how to wear one - escaped ur verbal spankin :) he hee...

    dono hindi as yet... fortuantely, hav got few northies as ma frens - so i do understand a lil... am gonu learn it someday... thts one in my to do list... :)

    ps. managed to read a lot of des "daily" posts - but hadnt commented... loved them all... nice wrk!!!

  8. ahh. You look lovely in a saree :)
    I can wear a saree on my own but it takes an awful lot of time.. But I can carry it off without any trouble. :)

  9. wow u look gorgeous in that saree..:)

    A very different post.. I must applaud u for the wonderful variety in each and every post of yours till date..:)

  10. U look beautiful in the saree:-)).

    I'm not so adept at draping them[I get additional pleats in the wrong places;-/] but once worn I'm cool.
    Esp love the bengal cotton types;-D

  11. Saree or no saree, I am cool either way :) I don't have to wear one anyway. I can imagine how difficult it might be to handle one and travel in a Mumbai local. Kudos :)
    Actually, in Punjab, wearing suits is more common than wearing sarees somehow.
    And btw, India doesn't have a national language. Hindi is the principal official language :P :)

  12. Ajay: I think you'd be cool if a woman wore a bikini too :) I was going to add 'unless you happen to be from Punjab and Jammu Kashmir' in the post, but then thought the better of it as in many north east Indian states too, saree isn't very common..But I think most people who read the post got the gist of the sentiment I was trying to convey which was to take pride in saree. Saree isn't the 'national costume' either. Yes--Hindi is official language and English happens to be subsidiary offical language..But Hindi is considered 'rashtra bhasha' No need for any kudos abt the local train bit :)

    Reflections: me too :) me too :) (abt bengal cotton)

    Sushobhan: thank you :)

    Mindful meanderer: thank you :) glad u can :)

  13. sulo bhadri:Thanks :) Thank you for reading and encouraging too.

    Durga:Thank you.Hopeyou have a great weekend too.

    Whatsinaname: you got exactly what I was trying to say here...That inability to wear one isnt anything to be proud about and saree should not be 'looked down' upon in the name of modernity was what i was trying to express. Thanks for commenting!

    Mihir: Yeah Kurta looks elegant on guys when worn at right occasion.

    Inferno:Thank you! Are you a student or are you working? (since you do not seem to have a blog--i tried to visit)

    Shankari: really?!! :) Must be telepathy then :) Have you commented on my blog before? So sorry i don't remember. Was trying to find if you had.

    Life begins:same pinch!

  14. Agree with your post, Preeti. Most of the times if you wear a sari people assume it must be a special occasion or why would one wear a sari just like that.

    You look lovely in a sari :) Can see you chose one representing your state :)

    Maybe you could do a blog post on wearing a sari.

  15. I work now. My blog -- I abandoned it several years back. Poor thing.

  16. You look so elegant in the picture :)
    I was a little proud of myself when I first tied my own sari myself (when I was in college) and when I first managed to drive a car wearing a sari and heels (I'm not a big fan of heels, but I am a fan of saris :) )

  17. I love wearing a saree..especially one's stolen/borrowed from my mom's and grandmom's collection!!! :D :D (although I have plenty of my own).I agree with your opening statements.. Every Indian lady (>20 yrs) should be able to carry off a sari with reasonable ease! :) Nice feel good post.

  18. Do not agree with your statements. I think it was harsh.
    Maybe if you had said every south indian should know how to wear a saree that would have made more sense.
    Up North many do not wear sarees and it is not custommary for them.

  19. Aboutmeandmylife : See my reply to Ajay. What the post was trying to convey was the pride in Indian sari and not running it down in name of modernity.

    Lostworld: same pinch! :)

    Bhavya: i love heels and I love saree too :)

    Inferno: Oh ok :) thanks--will check out the abandoned ruins! :)

    Palsworld: There are many videos on youtube many videos which demonstrate that! Thank you.

    Dear all,
    Disabling further comments on this post. Sorry about that. For those who disagree with gist of the post, see my comments to Ajay. Honestly, I do not feel like explaining to everyone who says it was harsh. What is to be taken from here is the spirit of pride in being Indian. Thanks for reading! Thank you for the compliments too. This discussion is now closed :P :) Apologies if it offended those who do not know how to wear a sari :D
