In the summertime :) (blog marathon post 15)

It is summer in U.K. You can usually tell by the length of the skirts women wear. It would be hard to tell by the temperature though because it is still 13 degrees centigrade :-) Friday is supposed to be a warm day. It is expected to touch 19. :D

When I lived in Pondicherry (God, how I loved that town!) summers used to touch a  scorching 48 degree centigrade (for those in the U.S that is a 118 F). So when  I moved to U.K and I heard people complaining about how hot it was, I smiled. "You should go to India," I thought I my mind, but did not say it aloud.

Now  having spent more than a year, I seem to have got used to it. The other day, I too found the weather slightly warm! :D  What I truly love about this time of the year is that it is bright for so long. Even at 9.30.P.M here, it is still so bright and the sun has not set. (The brightness  outside at 9.30.P.M would be similar to the brightness in India at 5.30.P.M)

We have a nice seating in our garden.(see picture above)

We managed to finally buy mangoes from the Indian store and bliss--mango milk-shakes! How can summer be complete without them?
Current mood video (see right or click on link) : In the Summer time Shaggy :)


  1. Aahh... British Summer and those short skirts...I miss my daily tube commute :)

  2. Ahhh Mango... This year mangoes were not all that great in chennai.. The doggie is so cuteeee... :)

  3. oooooooooohhh that doggie is super cute!

  4. long days and late sunsets seem all exciting and interesting, but the only thing i think of when u mention long sunlit hours is the fasting for muslims. we have to keep our fasts from sunrise to sunset.. i wonder how long that is in UK.. pretty dreadful for the month of ramadan to fall in a summer.. :P

  5. Its raining in INDIA..loving this bajjis :)..Superb weather..

  6. its really really hot out here :)
    cute pictures :)

  7. he he... the concept of summer is different in England, isn't it? But, like you say, after spending more than a year, which includes braving at least one winter, you catch on to the idea :)

  8. aawwwww!! Yummy milkshake!!:-) Yes, I second your thought, no summer can be complete without mangoes!! Have fun in the warm weather!!

  9. Heylo Namesake! :)

    Loved your blog! And your writing style.. High on my list of things to do this weekend would be buying your book! :)

  10. Mango milkshakes look great :)

  11. The mango milk shake looks yummy. You have a cute little puppy there. For a moment I thought that it was real :)

  12. Hot at 19 deg. It was 42,43 and 44 here till recently.

    Even i love Pondi and its beaches, missed going there this time, instead ended up at cuddalore silver beach.

  13. Summers and bachelors staying together went for a Mango hunt here in Pune where the Alphonso business was all set to drain people's pockets to the last rupee... we managed to shell out some 5 grand over the king of fruits this summer...

  14. Wow!!! The mango milkshake looks YUMMY!!!!! Alas, the season of mangoes is over in India :( Enjoy the U.K. summers. Bright light till 9.30 p.m. sounds bliss :)

  15. nice seating! Enjoy the summer :)

  16. Well Said... Mango Milkshakes FTW

  17. the temperatures is HOTTTTTTT! out here and i'm having fun concocting my versions of milkshakes...sometimes avacado and mango, sometimes strawberry...

    but i love mango lassi a lot :)

  18. the temperatures is HOTTTTTTT! out here and i'm having fun concocting my versions of milkshakes...sometimes avacado and mango, sometimes strawberry...

    but i love mango lassi a lot :)

  19. Got me completely nostalgic, all of a sudden I remember Bandra Station (W)...the best Mango milk shake ever! Ummmm...


    P.S; The dog looks sooooo cute, and yes, I know it's not real :D

  20. Mrs Preetiji, I want to ask two questions. (1) what is the average carbon footprint of UK people? and ;-) (2) how the arrival of summer season is known in UK other than looking at the women's skirt? :-)

  21. When u get back to India, u wud really hate the summer i guess :p
    Nice Mango shakes. :)

  22. I've been wanting to go to Pondy for long. Heard, read and seen the place on TV and it's certainly tempting. And looks like you're warming up to London and its pleasant summers (not even close to 'warm' by Indian standards!).

  23. It would be more complete for me if you shared the recipe for those milkshakes!

    I suppose it is true, after living in India that all other places fail to be as hot.

    And as beautiful I'm willing to guess!

  24. Looks like a little puppy got lost in mango-milkshake world :P
    Nice pic - I luvvvvv the umbrella :)
    Enjoy the sunshine!

  25. Nice clicks.. :) The mango shake looks yummy..:)

    Its scorching heat here in India.. :)

  26. Enjoy the summer.. n one glass of milkshake for me please ;)

  27. Hai preethi
    waiting eagerly for everyday's post. liked your rendering and variety of topics. praying for u and wishing you all the best in life

  28. ! The pup is so cute :)

  29. Meira: yes :) So life like :)

    Aswathi:Thank you so much. relly appreciate your taking the time and making the effort to tell me so.

    Dhanya: yes--enjoying the warmth! :)

    Sushobhan:Thanks. i miss India :(

    MS: yes :D Got the puppy from QD :)Thanks :)

    Gillian: India has it own beauty. Its easy to make mango milk-shakes. You just have to put a slice og mago, a glqass of cold milk, some sugar and blend it in the food processor.Thats all!

    RGB: Pondi is a great place--but i liked the 'white town' more than other areas.

  30. Chandni:Thanks :) I dont know--i still miss India.

    Roshan: :) Please google it :)

    Sparkling: Oh yes! :) And yes--i know you have seen the doggie before :)

    Suma; Have never had an avocado shake :)

    Prats : :-) FTW=? For the win?

    Mamta:Thank U :)

  31. Palsworld: thank you.

    Rohan: i am sure it was worth every paisa! We also paid quite a bit for these mangoes here.

    Asha: yes--i can imagine the heat there. Cuddalore is also nice.

    Poornima; yes--very realisitc looking one :)

  32. Pointblank:Thank you

    Namesake preeti : Nice to meet u :)

    Durga:Thank you.

    Bhavya: yes our bodies quickly adapt.

    Rajalakshmi:Thank you

    nischit: I miss India :(

    Shimmer:That must be a real nightmare.I had not considered that.

    Rohit: Yes :)

    Doli: Yes! Thanks :)

    Anusha; Yes--very cute :) I grabbed him as soon as I saw him :)

    Varun: But after a while one begins to hate the tube--especially sweaty bodies packed close together smelling yuck (but still nothing compared to mumbai locals)

  33. You are so lucky! For the whole 1.5 yrs that I was in US, we couldn't locate a single mango even in the Indian store.

    Its really a wonderful experience but to get the 'Indian' things when abroad :)


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