Golden Fried babycorn (for a rainy sunday afternoon!) Blog marathon post 5

Though the title says it is for a rainy Sunday afternoon, you can eat it even when it does not rain. You can especially eat it when you're relaxing with a tall glass of cold beer :-) (There, that must have got your attention if you're a man reading this :-) )

It's easy-peasy to make this one. Even if you are a guy cannot cook to save your life. :-) And you don't even need any exotic ingredients. I am sure you will be having whatever this recipe needs in your kitchen.(You  might need to get the baby corns of course!) Let me tell you how to make it.
You need

  • Baby -corns: About 8 of them
  • 1 tablespoon Gram flour (besan in hindi and kadala mavu in malayalam and chonne pitti in Konkani) (I have to show off my language skills, bear with me. heee hee). In case you don't know what table-spoon is, it is the big spoon not the small one with which you stir the sugar in your tea)
  • A pinch of turmeric (Haldi in Hindi and konkani, Manjal podi in Malayalam and tamil)
  • 1 tablespoon Curd  (you don't need translations for this..It is dahi or tayiru :) )
  • 2-3 green chillies chopped very fine. If you want the person who eats it to go straight to the moon add 20-30. heee heee hee
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon Ginger garlic paste (small spoon is teaspoon :-) )

Just mix the above ingredients and marinate the baby-corns in it. In case the term 'marinate' intimidates you, it is just a fancy way of saying, dunk the whole lot of baby corns in the mixture made of curd and besan and other stuff and leave it for about half an hour. In fact the more you leave it, better it is as the baby corns will absorb the flavour of the mixture. You can even make it in the morning and keep it in the fridge (with the baby corns marinating in them). You can adjust the amount of curd and besan according to how the mixture is looking .It should be a thick mixture.

Now just heat some oil and wait till it is really hot. Drop the baby-corns one by one (they will be having a nice coating of the mixture now)  and deep fry them till they are golden brown. Drain excess oil on a paper napkin.

Serve hot with chilli sauce.(and don;t forget the beer/tea/ vodka/whatever you prefer)

Psssst: Women love men who can cook. So send her for that manicure and impress her with this dish :-) I'll tell you later how you can thank me ;-) :-)
Current mood video--One of my favourite songs (See right): Bachelor boy-Cliff Richard


  1. nice. short and sweet thing to make.. may try some day....soonish..

    though this has got me started thinking of different variations of the same..

  2. yummyyyyyy :) makes me want to have molaga bajji :D

  3. It is raining cats and dogs in Bangalore. The right weather to eat bajjis/fritters. Hmmm good language skills, you forgot curd in kannada(mosuru)- the language of your hometown.

  4. Yummy!.. The dish looks delicious and mouthwatering.. :)

  5. Sushobhan: Make it! It's as interesting as it looks!

    Asha: thanks! :-) My hometown is not really Banaglore :-) A lot of my good friends just happen to live there :-)That way i am a true Indian :-)

    Chitra: We just had that a few days back!

    Mihir: Yeah--share the variations with me please :)

  6. Wowww...a recipe from soon u can start writing a recipe blog too P ;)(think about it)

  7. Chandni: Oh no!! You are much better at it than me! This was such a quick easy recipe, I had to share it :) Miggele jaythe friends akelinchi rabathai. Vardeek jalle na. Thanka prayojonu astholo :)

  8. Gram flour - Kadale Hittu in Kannada :)

    Marinating idea is old but keeping the ingredients in a refrigerator is something I didn't know. I'll let my mom know.

  9. Surprise surprise....Something I least expected from you, a recipe post.Shall get my mom make it for me... tee hee hee :)

  10. Just reminded me of my gobi manchurian days.
    Yes! Once upon time I loved to cook such stuff.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. hi...i was wondering whether you speak malayalam. i just asked because you mentioned "thayiru" :)

  13. And its a rainy sunday here in chennai. What better excuse to having them done :). A perfect post for a perfect day. Gee thannnks :)

  14. Lol!
    I loved the konkani skills ;)
    I shall try, I repeat, I shall try to make them this weekend. Phew! It still sounds so taxing.

    P.S: Please, send me that man who can cook, I'll get myself a mangalsutra ;p

  15. Why can't we eat what u have made.. Think blogs should come to that level where we can directly eat what is shown n not bother to make it ourselves :P
    Btw adding curd n ginger garlic paste is something new. Haven't tried it b4.

  16. It is raining in blore these days.. I'd love to have a plateful of those with a book for company!! :)

  17. that was a really yummy post :) .. seeing a recipe for the first time in ur blog.. :) looking forward for some more

  18. that was a really yummy post :) .. seeing a recipe for the first time in ur blog.. :) looking forward for some more

  19. I shall most definitely keep this in mind. Specially the marinating all day bit. Sounds great to me :)

    Loved this cooking post from you. Shall look forward to more like these :)

  20. Tranquility: Glad you liked it :)

    Poornima: yes--usually i don't do recipe posts. But this one I enjoyed writing :)

    Lostworld: As I type this comment, it is raining here too!

    Dhanya: i agree! U should be able to eat it right off the blog!:)

  21. Sparkling: This one is reeeeeaaallly easy peasy :) Satish can cook but he is taken :P :D

    Anusha: make them and surprise your mom! :) Glad u liked it :)

    Aswathi: yes I can speak malayalam as well as read it and write it :) I am not a Mallu--I just learnt out of interest :)

    Rohit: make it for her! :)

    Varun: Did not know kadale hittu :) Thanks for adding to my vocab :)

  22. Those look delicious and i got the perfect opportunity to make some today though not baby corn - just potatoes and onions.


  23. awwww! thats really an adorable recipe post... i loved ur explanations.... and even I always get confused between teaspoon and tablespoon.

  24. thanks! will definitely try this out :)

  25. so yum! I think they would taste good with dhaniya-pudina chutney also! my mouth is watering so much!!

  26. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Sounds yum! Can't wait to try it out...

  27. Great recipe Preeti...thanks so much for sharing :) Am thinking what else can be substituted for baby corn!

  28. MS: It is!

    Palsworld: capsicum perhaps? or thinly cut potato slices?

    Sruoloc: it is delicious! Do try :)

    Mamta: ooh yes--it will be great with mint chutney too!

  29. Think tank: you're welcome :)

    Pointblank: Glad you found it useful :)

    Life begins: it will be great with potato and onion too

  30. aawwww....yummy post!!

  31. its really mouthwatering
    it will be a good dish for my daughter in these days.
    the person who loves bittergourd can substitute it for corn

  32. This sounds absolutely scrumptious!

  33. i love babycorn bhajis...we used to enjoy them at a hotel near our office in B'lore...u must've heard of it, its hotel Ajantha on MG Road...


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