The Closed door (blog marathon post 29)

This is an Oil on canvas that I completed today. (approximately 12 x 15 inches)

I have called it 'The Closed door.'

Some of us are cautious by nature and some of us are more adventurous. But most of us (me included) sometimes get so busy that we rush through life, without paying attention to closed doors. What lies beyond?
Perhaps it is a wonderful opportunity to experience something new. Perhaps there is a  new magical  world waiting to be discovered. What is the worst that can happen? May be you will be chased by a Giant? :-) You can escape back into safety through the door, can't you?

Life is too short to not try new things. Do that thing you have always wanted to. Take that salsa class. Join that exercise group if that is what you wanted. And yes--smile and say hi to that cute girl or guy :-) Do whatever it is that your heart is telling you to. Follow your heart. Chase your dreams.

But most importantly, open those closed doors.
Current mood video: Open up your door--Richard Hawley


  1. Excellent painting. And very thought provoking words. Inspiring as always :)

  2. Lovely :)! And a very powerful message to go with the painting.

  3. Thats a lovely painting!! And these words are so inspiring!! Trying out what we want to gives real contentment!!

  4. Superb are very talented :D..and i love the msg..true that we rush for everything in life forgetting the small wishes we have deep in our heart..

    I have such a wish too! :D...very soon will open those closed doors to fullfill it...

  5. I just love ur words, Fills a new inspiration in me!!

  6. a very positive interpretation of the painting... which reminds me, i've always wanted to learn salsa with my husband.. yet nt done :(... but yes, will do in future. :)

    You could also interpret your painting as closing the door to passed-away phases and entering into a new beginning. sometimes, even when you make a fresh start, you forget to close the door... which i feel is pretty important too. :) wt do u think?

  7. Cool painting. And inspiring words. Something that I always think of. Yeah life is too short to be beating around the bush....

  8. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Absolutely. Need to open the closed ones.

  9. so true, so very never know what you are capable of unless you try!

    nice painting too :)

  10. What an idea! :)
    And what a painting!! Lovely and lovelier :)

  11. The painting is lovely and ur message lovelier[if there is a word like tht;-)]

  12. Hehe just noticed Meira used the exact same words;-D

  13. Beautiful painting Preeti...And inspiring words as always...Life is indeed too short to not try new things...Thanks for the reiteration :)

  14. excellent ... feeling motivated. :-)

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Well i got curious here, since once i also made a sketch with the same title... "The closed Door".

    ANd its one of my favorites.. :)

  16. Wow a lovely painting and beautiful thoughts to accompany..
    Btw why don't u give tips on oil painting too. It is a difficult medium right.

  17. So rightly said, and the satisfaction one gets after opening that door is precious.
    The painting is lovely and I just love it's colors

  18. :) Provoked...
    I will say Hi for sure :P :P
    I want to join guitar class but time is not allowing ...Hope i get time to join..
    Gud post

  19. Knock Knock! :)

  20. very inspiring post

  21. Jyotiajay: Thanks

    MS: Who's there? MS. MS who? MS with me and i'll Mess with ya! :)

    Nischit: Hope u do

    Prats:Thanks a lot

    Dhanya:Thanks..Oil is not very hard once you get basic feel for it. I dont consider myself good enough to give tips!

    Mirror99: Do give me link

    Guru: Glad :)

  22. wonderful post.. loved that oil painting..:)

  23. Palsword: thanks :)

    Reflections: U an d Meira do think alike :) Thanks!

    Meira;Thanks :)

    Suma: Thanks :)

    Puzzlingprajyoti: welcome to my blog and thanks for commenting

    Purnima: excellent interpretation. Yes--u're right. Hope u get to learn salsa soon.

    Shunty: Glad it inspired

    Sagarika: Hope ur door opens fast :)

    Durga:Thanks so much :)

    Shachi:Thank U!

    Life begins:Thank U!

  24. Sushobhan: Glad u liked :) Thanks :) U commented just as I finished replying :)

  25. :P (I was hiding behind the bush you see ... hee hee :) :) )
    Just knocked to disturb you a little.

  26. I am tryin to find my closed doors in life and slowly find a way to open them..

  27. PS: All posts lovely. Loved Closed door. Congrats on the hits, the books, and the 30 posts :)

    sending smiles of joy,

  28. Reminds me of the Arabian nights stories. The huge door and the walls. Very nice painting P. Nice post.

  29. So true, life is too short to not try and later have regrets.


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