What comes to your mind when you hear these words?

Hello again!

It's Sunday already!  I thought I would do a Sunday Stealing again. (click on it to know more)

When I headed over to Sunday Stealing I was pleasantly surprised to find a set of words which encouraged you to think/write down whatever comes to mind when you hear that word. 

In psychology there's a term for this--Free association.

Free association — a tool used in psychoanalysis — aims to deepen your self-understanding by looking at whatever thoughts, words, or images come freely to your mind. During a free association session, your therapist may ask you to share anything that is on your mind, such as memories, words, images, or daydreams.

But we aren't doing any therapy here. We're playing this just for fun. (If you want to play too, you are most welcome! You can do it on your blog and link back to Sunday Stealing. Or if you don't have a blog, feel free to use my comment box)

So here are the words that were  given (and my responses as well, I've written without thinking too much. Just wrote whatever comes to my mind as soon as I see the word):

Casino:  Las Vegas,  The movie Hangover  (I watched ALL the ones in the series and laughed my head off)

Bone:  The book 'Lovely Bones' by  Alice Seebold. The book still haunts me.

Painting: Gustav Klimt, Van Gogh, Rene Magritte, MOMA, New York  and  The National Galllery London (I have been here and I loved the experience)

Shocked: By the current Ukrainian situation and also by the Afghanistan situation

Quieter: It's always quieter when the hour is the darkest

Feed:  Feed the cats! Feed the birds!

Song: Ah Doobe--Ah Doobe.. (as I watched Gehrayiyaan today)

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones

Boat: A coracle, and two fishermen I saw at the lake who I sktetched in my journal.

Junk: Junk journalling--something  I learnt to do

Sheet: Crisp, Clean, Cotton sheets are the ones I prefer.

Knit: Something I do not have the patience for

Gift: The biggest gift you can give anyone is your time

Small: Small minds talk about other people, Great minds discuss ideas.

Title: 15 titles--all bestsellers, I am so grateful for them! :)

I hope you enjoyed my answers. If you are playing, I'd love to read your list too.

See you again tomorrow!


ps: I am doing a blog marathon (new post every day for 30 days. Today is day 18. While I am doing a blog marathon,  Sourabh and Pratima are doing a comment marathon! A special shoutout to them for commenting on every post of mine. Thank you for that! I like to read comments, else it feels like I am talking to a wall!)


  1. Hi Preeti Mam, I love your writings, simple to read and so heartfelt. Your marathon posts are no less than a daily power dose of inspiration. Lots of love. :) I live in Banglore too, and sometimes wish to meet you at your events whenever things open.

    1. Thank you so much! Do fill up
      this form
      My team will notify you when there's a public event and you're most welcome to meet me then!

  2. Namaskaram Preetiji.🙏
    Today I am ecstatic and feel so much joy at your special mention about my comments.Thank you so so much Mam 🙏🙏.As promised earlier I will comment till the end.

    This is a really fun exercise with undertones of phycological insights.So without any further ado my answers to you

    Casino- Irritation when people refer to stock markets as Casinos . However they require lots of research, knowledge and understanding.

    Bone - The Bone Collector - Denzel Washington

    Painting - Adolf Hitler wanted to be a painter but failed.What if he had become one?

    Shocked - You get shocked by people you trust the most.

    Quieter - Meditation
    Feed - Me too - Feed the birds daily
    Song - Main zindagi ka saath nibhata chala gaya - Dev Anand ❤️❤️ Hum Dono
    Glass - Fragility
    Boat - Dawki {Meghalaya} & Venice
    Junk - Toxic People
    Sheet - Conversations - Between the Sheets
    Knit - Prized Collection of my Mom's so many Embroidered pieces for which she had won prizes.
    Gift - Want to have a daughter❤️🤗as the best gift from Mahadev.🙏
    Small - Cute,lovable babies 😘😘
    Title - Aspiration to become " The Intelligent Investor ".

    Really brilliant post.Every post of yours is a precious gem for me.

    Lots of Love, Respect & Devotion to you

    1. Nice word associations! Thank you for playing!

  3. I've never heard of junk journaling. I will have to look that up.

    1. Oh please do. It's a lot of fun. There are many tutorials on YouTube too.

  4. You and I both had the same answer (re Ukraine) for "Shocked."

    I love doing junk journaling!

    1. Oh me too! It is wonderful to make art from scrap !

  5. Namaskaram Preetiji
    Just a small query "What is this Junk Journaling?" .Daily,Gratitude, Illustrated,Junk ....Are there other forms of Journaling too?

    Complete Love,Respect & Devotion to you

    1. Yes there are. Please do look it up on YouTube.

  6. Hi Preeti! A very Happy Mahashivarathri to you and your family. First, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for mentioning my name. It is indeed a pleasure to read your books, watch your interviews, gaze at your artwork and follow your blog. At the end of the day, when I am very tired, I like to check out your latest post as it makes me divert my mind from the present situation. I love commenting on the posts too, because like you said, if you don't get any comments, it is like talking to a wall. I always like to give feedback to those who write because it helps me improve on my writing skills too. I remember Sunday Stealing from your earlier posts. It was really fun to think of different answers. Here is my set:

    Casino: The Movie "Casino Royale"
    Bone: The phrase Bone of Contention
    Painting: Most of my friends are avid painters and I am fascinated by the work they do.
    Shocked: My reaction to things which go out of proportion.
    Quieter: It's always quieter when everyone is engrossed in some activity such as reading, writing, painting, etc.
    Feed: Feed the baby
    Song: Chandrachooda (Since it is Mahashivarathri today)
    Glass: The same point you mentioned came into my mind too. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
    Boat: Heard this word in an Audiobook I was listening to recently.
    Junk: Junk Food - Something I have decided to cut back on.
    Sheet: Plain sheet of Paper
    Knit: Something my maternal grandmother was very fond of
    Gift: No gift is big or small, because it is the thought that counts.
    Small: The way I feel when my mental health is affected
    Title: Title of Books that I love to read


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