Did you know about the painful process of book editing?



 Hellooooo there!

Today is day 9 of blog marathon.  Time is certainly flying. It goes by so fast,  that it seems like just minutes ago the sun was rising, and now it's almost the end of the day. Does it feel like that for you too?

My day today was spent in editing my next book. It will be published by Harper Collins, and will be out in April or May. It is set in a beautiful coffee estate, and is a very unusual story. I am most excited about it, and so is my editor. I am fortunate to be working with her-- as she is very experienced and is in love with the book and the characters as much as me. She enjoys the process immensely too!

 A good editor can enhance the book and a bad editor makes the writer look bad.

Editing is extremely intense and focussed work. My attention cannot waver even for a second because I might miss out an important detail. The book usually goes through three or four rounds of edits and proof-reading before it goes to press. 

I do enjoy editing, because this is when I am polishing my draft and making my work better. I love the inputs and comments my editor makes. We send each other voice notes and messages on whatsapp. We call to discuss a scene, a turn of events, a little detail.

By the end  of the edits, the editor knows every inch of the world that I have created; For months I have been working alone, writing the book. Then there's the editor who joins me. It is like being the sole occupant of an island, learning to survive for months, and then having a friend come along and join you!

But the process is so intense that after a while, it feels like my head will explode if I don't stop. I can work only on about 3-4 paragraphs at one go. I have to take a break after that. Then I have to get right back to work. My attention cannot waver. If I have other stressful things going on in my life,  my head hurts as a result of too much mental work, and I would have to take longer breaks.

However, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the job I am doing!

My page in my illustrated journal yesterday reflected this. You can view it on my art account if you wish to see it. Click HERE.

I shall be  back here with another post tomorrow.
If you are enjoying my blog marathon, do leave me a comment. I look forward to them as much as you look forward to my posts !

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash


  1. Hi Preeti. Just like you mentioned in this post, I too feel the day just flies by. One minute, it is morning and I am getting ready for work and the next minute, I am getting ready to sleep. It is already Day 9 of your Blog Marathon and Day 18 in February. Whenever you write about your next book, I will be eager to order it once the Pre Order link is out. Most of the time, the books are launched in my birthday month (April), so I look forward to receiving a book as a birthday gift :-) The process of editing is so strenuous. I knew about editing, but not in depth like you wrote it. Thanks to your writing and editing with your editor, we your fans get a beautiful book to cherish for a lifetime. The setting of the book sounds so amazing, so I am sure the book will be interesting too. Thank you so much for putting in so much effort and time to make your books the best to read. I have bought all the books from your collection so far and will continue to for years to come! :-)

    1. I really think this is my best book yet.
      Thank you so much for your love and support and for leaving me such a nice comment!

  2. Namaskaram Preetiji.
    Indeed time is a slippery customer which slips out of our hands like grains of sand.

    However, time stops for me when I am immersed in the beauty of books , especially yours.

    Now it is such a fantabulous news that I would get another opportunity to get into the world of your characters.

    Yes it is so stressful for you to go through the whole rigorous process.But tell me is it not difficult for you to cut down or change the behaviour, qualities or mannerisms of your protagonist or other characters if you feel so after reading or rereading your draft?

    Is this process more physically challenging for you or it becomes emotionally challenging too because till then you might have emotionally invested in the character?

    Best of luck to you Preeti ji and you know it very well I would preorder the fantastic book when it is out.Till then.

    Take care
    Lots & Lots of Love ,Respect & Devotion to you

    1. Hello!
      No, it's not difficult at all. My characters are not my children! :) I need to cut and rewrite and change stuff if I want the end product to be good! It's not emotionally challenging at all.
      A book needs good edits to become better.
      Thank you for your lovely comment!

  3. Excited for your next book!!

  4. Whenever i feel down, I just read your books, it brings life again in me!

    1. That's the biggest compliment a writer can get--and I cherish it. Thank you!


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