How misfortunes help us

 Misfortunes are hard to bear. We get caught up in the cycle of “why me”. Most of us are unable to see the situation from an external perspective as we are in too much pain to be detached from it.

But it is important to observe it from a distance. We have infinite capacity for change.
No matter how hard and painful it seems right now, a year from now you will be surprised  at how you have managed to cope with it. 

Whatever you were worrying about will seem trivial then. So hang in there. It’s all going to be okay.
Ps: Am doing a blog marathon (30 days , 30 new posts ) and today is day 16.


  1. Hi Preeti. Can't believe it is already your Sweet 16th Post! It is such a pleasure to read the posts at the end of the day or first thing in the morning. I am a person who constantly asks myself - Why me? As you mentioned, we need to look at everything from a different viewpoint. It is true because I have gone through this before and after a year, I am a changed person and a better person as well. Thanks again for this inspiring post.☺️

    1. So glad my posts help. Yes it is important to step outside the situation. But sometimes it’s hard

    2. Yes, it can be hard and extremely stressful too. Have had my share of all this before. Guess they are the stepping stones of life.

  2. Namakaran Preetiji.🙏🙏
    True,raging tempests in troubled waters makes one a good sailor.Only misfortunes,problems and obstacles can create us into a better version of ourselves.

    Another awe-inspiring and positive post by you.Your thought process is remarkable.

    Lots of Love,Respect & Devotion to you


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