3 easy steps start an illustrated journal

 Hello again!

Today is day 4 of my blog marathon. You can click on the side bar and check out the archives to see the older posts.

One of my readers wanted me to write about my illustrated journals and how to start it.



But before I tell you the steps to start an illustrated journal, let me show you what it is (for those of you who are hearing it for the first time).

An illustrated journal is nothing but a diary, a record of your day, where you draw instead of writing down things. It is a visual record of what you choose to focus on in your day.

I have shared two pages from my journal.

I have been keeping illustrated journals for many years now, and over the years my style has evolved and changed, and I've got better at it. I find it extremely calming to sit down at the end of the day, and make a page in my journal. You can see more of mywork on my Instagram art account. Click HERE.

I first came across an illustrated journal many years ago when I saw Danny Gregory's work. I was fascinated and I enrolled immediately for a few courses on sketchbook skool.

If you are keen to learn illustrated journalling. I highly recommend doing  the courses.
Alternatively you can join Skill share. I also teach creative writing on skillshare, and if you enrol using my link, you get a month free. Apart from accessing the creative writing course I teach, you also get access to thousands and thousands of other courses including art journalling, photography, gardening , cooking, Spanish  or anything else you want to learn! I have done so many courses on skillshare too.

Here's the link:


To start an illustrated journal , there are just three simple steps:

Step 1. Buy a notebook and supplies:

What kind of a notebook depends on what kind of a journal you want to keep. When I started out, I used a basic drawing notebook (like the art books we use in schools) so I could practice and get better. I looked around and drew everything I saw. That is the best way to get better at drawing! I used Micron pens  and water colours.

Step 2. Decide what you are going to draw:

As you keep drawing, your eye will get trained to focus on a single part of your day that you want to capture in your journal. For tips I recommend Samantha Baker Dion whose book is available on amazon.

Step 3. (this is the hardest step): Execute it!

Keep drawing every single day. In the beginning your pages may not look the way you want them to.Dpn't get discouraged or give up. Keep using all the resources I recommend above.

You can also search on Youtube for thousands of free resources too.

That's all there is to it. Keep repeating every single day and you will soon have many beautiful journals full of the art you make!

Good luck!

Will blog again tomorrow.
Don't forget to leave me comments and tell me anything that's on your mind! (and anything you want me to write about)



  1. Wow your sketches and drawings were beautiful enough and now here is another feather in your cap.

    Really this concept of Illustrated Journaling is intriguing and fascinating.I can only draw a scenery with hills,a water body with ducks wading in it (ducjs are very important) and a small house with a huge tree nearby.My drawing teacher in school was frustrated with me coz I never drew anything else.

    However,seeing your beautiful journal pages I might try a bit though it might not turn out nice.

    Thank you for the stimulating post.
    Thanks & Regards Mam

    1. Thank you so much Sourabh. Danny Gregory has a course called 'drawing without Talent'. Its for people who have never drawn before. Maybe you can try that?

  2. Preetiji thank you . Your advice in the last post is what I would try to do stop caring and switch off from such people and their chatter.Loving this wonderful blog marathon and yes I eagerly await each evening for your posts and your replies.🙏🙏
    Have a great day tomorrow Mam 👍👍

  3. Hi Preeti. When I had joined Instagram, your page was one of the first that I started to follow. It was during this time I came to know about the concept of Illustrated Journals. Just like your books, your illustrated journals were and still are something I look forward too. The drawings are so life like and I feel as if I can touch whatever you have drawn. Just by drawing, one can convey so much and I find this very precious. Maybe I can start an Illustrated Journal soon. Thanks to you and your posts and videos about Diaries, I started writing in my Diary everyday since 2021. It gives me a sense of relaxation and I can go back and read about things I did, places I visited and people whom I met and be able to rekindle those sweet memories too. Take care.


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