My morning routine (blog marathon post 15)

So the writing prompt for today at NaBloPoMo is 'Tell us about your morning routine'.
Since I liked the prompt, thought I would follow it. They have different prompts every day--but you can follow them only if you want--else you are free to write anything, as long as you post every day.

So--to answer the prompt--If I were to be totally honest, I detest routines. Detest, abhor, dislike,loathe. I think routine is anathema to creativity. Or at least that is my excuse---and i can get away with it as I would like to believe I am fairly creative :)

But one thing that I do try and follow is my yoga. I start the day with Ashtanga yoga about which I have blogged before.
After that, I read the newspaper on some days and on some days I simply don't. I organise/cook breakfast (almost always traditional south Indian) and spend some time in my organic terrace garden.

Then I write for a bit---then I hit the gym.

On the days that I don't do yoga in the morning, I walk for about an hour. On some days I do yoga in the afternoon. Sometimes I have deadlines that I have to meet for my newspaper column. On some days, there is some brilliant idea that strikes me and I sit down to write it. Some days, I just waste time on Facebook, accepting friend requests from people I don't even know.

Some days I wallow in self pity and feel sorry for myself. Some days I revel in the praise that readers send.

Today I got a particularly sweet poem from a reader..It made my day! But on some days, the very same gushing praise would annoy me and I would ask Satish why in the world do people act like I am something special and why do they gush like this? ( He is used to my ways by now .)

On some days, I would decide to watch a movie in the morning because I felt like it. On some days I would just read a book as it was too engrossing to put away.

Each day is different for me.
What about you? Do you like routine and order? Is each day the same? What do you do?

If you tell me, I am listening.
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  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Very interesting way of living preethi :) sounds least for me.
    I on the other hand hope to get into routines but can never. I do a 9-5 job - so that you can count as routine, and rest of them varies depending on my mood. Some days are to catch up with friends, other days actively taking either dance or art or yoga or any class that peeks my interest. Some times just a quiet evening walk enjoying the sunset, or watch movies on "you tube" or do absolutely nothing. But, I just wish I have a routine and crave to lead a simple life.. so I do not have to think what to do next.

  2. Sounds very interesting :-) Still i don't have any routines work but i had reduced the spending time in social networks, completely avoid the msgr like whatsapp from when u said Tat's really helpful. But one thing i regularly follow" each day read any book at least three chapters i finished then i will go to sleep.i like watching videos in youtube something interesting.Yesterday also i watched one video ("Service dog alerts to self harm (aspergers) ") Mam,you can search this video sure you will like Because it related to you.
    I shared a lot :-)Happy writing Keep writing :-) Looking fwd Next post mam:-) Thank you :-)

  3. Not a routine guy at all..!!! :)
    Every day brings something or the other which is not expected. Tried to prepare a routine but was never followed. #Inspired by your one of the blogs, have started exercise daily. Later part of the day, I let it flow as the things come up. So as of now daily 3 things as a part of routine:
    1. Exercise
    2. My kiddo's school has started, so drop him and move to office.
    3. Go through the different blogs

  4. Good Morning Preeti! I have routine set for Office atleast because having 9.30 to 7 job! But else there are no plans for weekends! Everyday evening after office I like to spend some time for myself! Visiting temple everyday, going for a walk and nowadays to cook as getting married in couple of months ;-)

  5. Good Morning Preeti! I have routine set for Office atleast because having 9.30 to 7 job! But else there are no plans for weekends! Everyday evening after office I like to spend some time for myself! Visiting temple everyday, going for a walk and nowadays to cook as getting married in couple of months ;-)

  6. Working people have to follow fixed routine, but on Sundays, there is no such thing as routine, reading, eating, watching movies, and whatever pleases own self becomes the routine, only regret is not following the reading routine, which I try to maintain but can't follow ! Generally reading blogs is my hobby, so that I manage anyhow !

  7. good one!! i don't have any fix becomes monotonous if there were no changes. i spent my days reading some pages of some book, writing prompts, helping my mom ,a lot of enjoyment with my family...

  8. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Ordinary is Beautiful for me. Since most of the working people have already shared that we are bound and tied helplessly in routine, but since we all are humans and have specific sets of hobbies, we do indulge in that. I cook, bathe, rush to office, read while on the wheels (or sometimes snore ;-) ), check mails, read blogs (specially the marathons ;-) ), catch some time to write poetry (my hobby :-) ), work, chat, reach home, again cook, play with daughter, bedtime stories, snore zzzzzz. Ooops.... was the prompt about only morning routine ??!!?!!? ;-) ;-)

  9. I love routines...they save so much energy (and faffing around trying to figure out what to do)
    I wake up the same time everyday (on weekdays)
    Drink water soon after waking up
    Have the same breakfast (again to conserve energy planning - you can tell I am obsessed with concept of decision fatigue)
    Practice meditation (10mins)
    I read/listen to a non-fiction book. (20 mins)
    Get dressed and get to work!

    In my book, boring is good. If left to my devices I will binge on Netflix first thing in the morning.

  10. Yes my mornings are very routine and dull. A lot of times i feel i am a robot. The only reason i put up with this is because i love my job. what i try to do is change my evening routine like sometimes i walk sometimes i read sometimes i socialize.

  11. I have a fixed routine during the weekday and weekends try to finish all the chores which I am not able to do during the weekday.. It does get boring at times but then it keeps me going

  12. Since I go to work Monday to Saturday, I have a fixed routine. On Sundays, there is no fixed routine but on this day, I try to finish up tasks which have been pending from a long time. Sometimes, I do not like routines and sometimes I do. Guess it depends on my mood. I feel it's good to have a set routine, especially when there are restrictions on time. Yes, it can get boring, but once all the work is done, and you have time to relax then you will feel that following a routine was a good decision.


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