How I write my novels. (Blog marathon post 9)

Thought I would share with you today, some of my writing quirks.

What you see above is one of them. I have many many journals like the one you see above whcih i keep buying on my various travels. For me to pick up a hand-made journal, I have to fall in love with it's texture. I run my hand over it.Sometimes it looks good but doesn't feel right. If it doesn't feel right, I don't buy it. Sometimes it feels good but looks awful. Then too i don't buy it. For me to buy it, it has to talk to my heart.
 The one you see above, it is one of my favourite ones. I had picked it at a tiny Tibetan shop in Mc.Leod Ganj. An old Tibetan lady was selling it and she had eyes that bore into my very sould. It was as though she knew my quest for that perfect journal.

Each time I begin a new novel, I use a new handmade journal. I scribble the plot with an ink pen. I am particular about the ink-pens I use too. I have a lamy Pen which I treasure and also a Sheafer which I equally love. The only ink I use is black. Never blue or any other colour. It has been that way for the past 34 years or so. I can't write with any other ink but black.

My novel 'Tea for two and a piece of cake' was outlined on the above journal. Nisha, Samir,Akash Tanya, Rohit, Mrs.B all of them first came alive in these pages. From my head to the paper, ideas poured forth, new worlds were created, a story born. I made a connection with you through my words. You loved Nisha and Akash as much as I did. And maybe more.

That is the magic of words.

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  1. I love handmade journals. I so liked the one which Konkana Sharma used in Wake Up Sid (I love this movie and watch it every time I catch it running). And, I loved this one too! Lovely read! :)

  2. Tea for two and a piece of cake is my favorite book of yours. I love the characters of Akash and Mrs.B
    This post was really wonderful. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I have written some stories in before typing on computer I have to write it on my diary..i cant directly write on computer..i have to write it before on diary..about characters..flow of story..

  4. Wow! Super Mam :) Really loved your journal :) Thanks for sharing your writing quirks :) Happy Blogging :) Happy writing :) We always Happy reading :) Looking fwd Nxt :)

  5. Even with technology, though it becomes easier with typing, there doesn't come the feeling of writing. hand written words strike hearts perfectly. the journal above is all one needs to pen down the thoughts...

  6. Wowww..!!! Is it that all your novels first start with such a journal? It's beautiful. I normally using stationaries in MS Word with different designs basis the thoughts in the mind. But this journal looks awesome. Will try sometime..!!! :)

  7. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I also write my poems in long hand on paper. Typing takes the charm away. This journal looks very colourful, just like you Preeti.

  8. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hand made journals makes writing a unique experience and glad to know more about you, the fascination for pens. I always have this habit of writing with different pens. I wanted to ask, what do you prefer writing on paper or typing? What about scribbling and crossing the whole thing, does it affect writing slightly?

  9. Loved the hand -made journal idea, I am not a writer but love to scribble my thoughts down in a book,will try out a hand journal now.. Thanks for the idea..

    Coming to ink pen ,somehow I don't like it anymore,prefer the new age fancy gel pen.:)

  10. This is such a bright and beautiful journal. I used to have a journal as a kid, and everyday before going to bed, I used to write about what happened in the day, not missing out on one single detail. Guess the trend continues, as even now when I re-enact any situation in my life, I tell each and every teeny tiny detail.

    Thanks for sharing this post Preeti. So nice to know how your stories start out which we the readers look forward while reading the novels.

    Can't wait to read your next book!


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