Fresh starts (blog marathon post 14)

The Sunrise from my terrace. There is something magical about the early morning hour. The promise of a new beginning. The fact that no matter what has happened upto now, a fresh day beckons.

You can change your life, starting this very instant, if you want to. You have to identify the habits that erode away your time. You will have to find those things that give your heart joy.

And then you have to decide  that starting today, you won't look back.
Only beyond.

The future holds many promises.
It is upto YOU and You alone to claim them.

Make yourself a promise---that you will be one percent better than the individual you were yesterday.
Then stick to that promise.
 No matter how hard it is. Carry it out.

And do it again.
It is the only life you have.
So go ahead and make a fresh start.
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  1. Wow! Really nice words for the picture. So apt and pertinent :) Hope it motivates many of your readers as much as it did to me :)

  2. amazing lines mam... thnkuu soooo much are a big inspiration for me...!!

  3. Hi Preeti - That is a lovely photograph you have posted today. Really admire the photos you post, because it takes me to that moment and how beautiful it must have been when you took it :-)

    You are an inspiration to me in many ways and so many of us are lucky to have an incredible author/friend like you who opens our eyes to the world and makes us a better person. Once again, thanks for this post!

  4. Beautiful thought! And a very apt picture. Golden rays slicing through the darkness, promising a new start. Yes. :)

  5. excellent lesson to start a new day, a new beginning, leaving behind all the worries, the mistakes, the flaws!!

  6. Fresh full Thoughts Mam :) " The future holds many promises" Loved this Line :) Hay writing Mam :)

  7. Very True! And perfectly needed something truly motivational like this for this otherwise sad day due to fight with a loved one :-(

  8. Very well said Preeti!

  9. Great words... Inspired me for a fresh start of life...!!

  10. #Inspirational Blog..!!! And Bangalore is just awesome..!!!

  11. #Inspirational Blog..!!! And Bangalore is just awesome..!!!

  12. Make yourself a promise--- that you will be one percent better than the individual you were yesterday. ---> good line!! iam copying for my facebook status..

  13. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Very thoughtful pic as well as opinion on 'Fresh Starts'. I wish everyone could get atleast one chance to correct their follies, or at the very least forgive and move on. One chance to feel gratified. One chance to change - the world they live, the situations, the thoughts. One chance to make a fresh start !!

  14. really inspiring :)

  15. Beautiful picture


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