Gift from my garden. (blog marathon post 11)

Today's post--2 photos which speak for themselves.

Isn't this amazing? It's the first time I am growing capsicum.

 And the first time I am growing white pumpkin too :)

I am one happy, proud urban farmer :)

You can check out my post on growing your own vegetables here.

See you tomorrow. Until then, be cheerful and grateful for all that is going right in your life right now.
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  1. Wow...Super..Fantastic..Mam...:-) Congrats for "Urban farmer ":) :) :) Happy writing :) Looking Fwd next Post Mam :)

  2. Tooo Goood..!!! You definitely are a Super Woman, Super Writer..!!! :)

  3. as beautiful like those red tomatoes you grew last year:))

  4. It is happy to see ur interest in growing Plants mam. :) Thats Wonderful...

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Nice yield ;-) I want to grow flowers or flowing plants in my small balcony...

  6. This is really nice Preeti! What did you make with the capsicum and white pumpkin? :-)

  7. Wow! This is wonderful and...inspiring :)


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