The heart wants what it wants.(blog marathon post 8)

Today it's a song for you. A lovely one. If you listen to it carefully in the official version which is the video above, you will hear the raw pain in Selena's voice when she says "When I was on stage and thinking of him..I felt like I know him, I know his heart and I know he what he wouldn't do to hurt me. I was on stage feeling so confident, so great about myself. But then I never knew I would be completely shattered by one thing and it would be something so stupid. But then you make me feel crazy and you make me feel like it is my fault and I am in so much pain."

 The song then starts.

Anyone who has been in love would relate to the song. One moment you are on top of the world. And then when they do something you are hurt so deeply. Love is indeed madness. There are chemical changes that happen in your body when you are in love--as the body releases many feel-good endorphins. Everything appears great and you great, fabulous, ecstatic-- till the object of your affection behaves in a way you never expected. Nothing about love is ordinary. It is always larger than life, larger than yourself, larger than anything you could possibly imagine. The Euphoria is as high as the depths that it can hurtle you to. The pain is as intense as the passion. The heart wants what it wants---and if it doesn't get it, there is a price to pay. Always. But then you are in love and the giddy heights you soar to, more than make up for the pitfalls. Unless it ends of course. And then you are truly shattered.
It would take you many months to recover and even then, there will always be a void which can never be filled.
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  1. So So True.. "The heart wants what it wants---and if it doesn't get it, there is a price to pay." Loved your blog..!!! :)

  2. " Love is indeed Madness " absolutelyyyy correct Mam :) Loved your each and every line :) Happy writing we always Happy Reading :) Looking fwd Nxt post :)

  3. often we think, what if there were no pain, no heartbreaks.!! only if we could erase this brings joy as well as pain.there's no escape. it's a package, accept it all or leave it. we expect in return the love, the care, but it's not necessary the other person thinks the way we do.

  4. very true, heart wants what it wants and the price paid is also always HEAVY, the pain of losing a love, shatters the person badly enough, that he might take very long time to gather himself and be normal. The void is forever and as you rightly said can never be filled, as there is no replacement for the loved one that is lost !

  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Don't know the song Preeti but so well said, Love is madness where we do crazy things and reasoning has no place in our lives. Been there and done that only to realize many years later what I did.

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    More than the Love, the pain gets celebrated more... I have observed this, a love story (90% of them) ends up being in pain, even after the couple gets each other's companionship. Love in itself is not enough a contentment. Expectations outlive the passion. No?

  7. Very well said.. Heart wants what it wants.. Lucky are those people whose heart gets what they want..

  8. Love is very complicated, isn't it? When we are in love, nothing else matters. But when we are in pain, because of love, then everything matters and we keep searching for answers everywhere, but sometimes we don't get it. We feel shattered and wonder why stuff like this happens.

    In life, heart wants what it wants. Some are lucky and get it, and some are still searching for it. But one very important thing to remember is that if the heart does not get what it wants, perhaps its a sign that something better is yet to come.


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