Make yoga your friend! (blog marathon post 19)

There are yoga images being hurled at you from every possible corner. And if you own a cell phone, chances are you received a message from the Government of India, asking you to practise yoga and telling you it's benefits. (Nice touch! I must say I was impressed)

I have blogged about my tryst with yoga.
here is the link:

Do read it.

And here is a video where a practitioner  explains why Ashtanga is repetitive and why it is important.
What you see in the video are exactly the asansas I do each morning.

The philosophy that he  in the above video truly appeals to me and I endorse it completely.
It's about 8 minutes long---and worth a watch, and worth thinking about.

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  1. Yes! I agree Yoga can change life :-) Thanks for sharing useful info..Mam,
    Looking Fwd nxt post :-) Happy writing :) Keep writing :)
    Waiting for your next Non-fiction Book :-)

  2. I try to practise yoga everyday but have not learnt that completely and cannot do all asanas perfectly. Hope that I can do that some day perfectly! :-)

  3. I try to practise yoga everyday but have not learnt that completely and cannot do all asanas perfectly. Hope that I can do that some day perfectly! :-)

  4. absolutely!! it's an excellent step by GOI to spread awareness regarding yoga.

  5. Thanks for sharing this piece of information. Really helpful..!!! :)

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Recently I read somewhere that India has set 2 Guinness World record on the International Yoga Day. 1) Maximum number of participants in one Yoga session is Delhi yesterday. 2) Maximum no. of nationalities participating in one Yoga session at one place.
    Hay NaMo !!!! ;-) ;-)

  7. Yoga. A word I keep hearing, but something I have never tried doing. Perhaps this is the year to start. Thanks for sharing the video. It is so powerful and I can understand why Yoga requires deep concentration and how it relaxes a person a lot.


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