Some important things (Blog marathon post 13)

Found the above visual on Facebook and it led me to check out the website (click on pic to be taken to it) and I discovered that it has some pretty amazing stuff. Little things in life which matter such a lot, yet which we brush aside in our quest for bigger cars, bigger homes, more space.

What about the space in our hearts?

That is so important. It is important to let go of the ego and tell someone how much they mean to you, if they do.
Yet, it is also important to recognise when to walk away from a relationship which isn't helping you grow.

It is important to hold on to some things and have patience.
But then it is equally important to turn you back and shut the door on things that prevent you from being the best you can be.

It is important to have great friends.
But it is equally important to spend time with yourself, in quiet solitude, enjoying your own company.

It is important to give in.
It is also important to not give up.

And if you have figured it all out, you have conquered life.

I know haven't. I revel in it's imperfections.
Grateful to have everything I do.
Happy to be able to  touch lives with my words.
Gratefulfor all that I have received.

and I think that is important too.
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's all about knowing yourself and making right decisions at the right time. Sometimes you need to take such decisions whether a good one or a harsh one. Sometimes it may break hearts, but it's all for good. Atleast in a day you need to have an hour or two for yourself to think, to focus, to feel what you want to achieve.

    Mandy Hale, in her book: The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass, mentioned: "If you learn to really sit with loneliness and embrace it for the gift that it is…an opportunity to get to know YOU, to learn how strong you really are, to depend on no one but YOU for your happiness…you will realize that a little loneliness goes a LONG way in creating a richer, deeper, more vibrant and colorful YOU..!!!"

    Keep writing.. Keep Inspiring..!!! :)

  3. " It is important to give in. It is also important to not give up. " Very inspiring lines Mam:) Keep Writing Happy writing :) Lookin fwd Nxt post :)

  4. Truly said Preeti! You should always know when to hold on and when to move on! And you should be grateful for whatever you have! Thank you so much for all these beautiful thoughts every day! :)

  5. Touched a chord.. Its important to hang on for something you believe in.. Yet its equally important to know when to let go.. Love you Preeti Di

  6. Thanks for the beautiful thought, Preeti! It touched my heart, because I could relate to many of the things which you mentioned in this post. As they say, we should learn to adjust to both worlds :-)

  7. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Yin and Yang - one of my poems on similar tone. Your lines above reflect very deep meaning Preeti. I am still re-reading few. Wonderful :-)


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