Tweets from my timeline on #IndVsSA (blog marathon post 22)

What else can I blog about today, other than the fire-cracker of a victory that India had against SA in the World Cup Cricket. I was watching after a long time and enjoyed thoroughly as is evident from my twitter timelime. I am embedding some popular tweets from my Timeline (and Satish's) for today's post. Enjoy :)

For those of you who do not understand Twitter, click here for a basic guide.
And incidentally, Satish had predicted the win this morning. This is what he tweeted after the match.

And this one:
When Miller's wicket fell :
And when Amla was dismissed, couldn't resist turning to Hindi :)
This tweet:
And this tribute to Ashwin

And of course, using cricket and Twitter to decode relationships:)
and this one:
And finally the aftermath of the match :(I meant Fire-cracker but was tweeting while running on the treadmill, so excuse the typo :-) )
Follow me on Twitter: @preetishenoy That is the fastest way to connect to me, as I reply to tweets with far more immediacy and frequency that I do with my mails :) ________________________________________________________

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  1. it seems you really enjoy watching cricket...:)

  2. I think I enjoyed tweeting about it too :P :)

  3. For an year and a half, im reading your blogs continuosly. You are really an inspiration.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow preeti shenoy you even do creative hindi writing. padh kar achaa lagaaaa :)

  6. I am not on Twitter, but it was nice to read the tweets!

  7. Not a cricket buff..!!! Wish India Wins this WC as well..!!! :)


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