Alone together (blog marathon post 8)

Of all the different kinds of mails I get, the ones that surprise me most are the ones where people bare their souls, their life problems and their dilemma and ask me for advice. I sometimes wonder why. I know it is because they can connect to my writing. I know it is because they feel I can understand what they are going through. I know it is because they think I can come up with a perfect solution to their problem. But it yet confounds me that they dash off an e-mail to someone who for all practical purposes is a perfect stranger to them and who doesn't even know they exist.  I can't imagine doing that. I love Neil Gaiman's writing, and also Mitch Albom's. But that doesn't mean I dash off a lengthy email to them, telling them all that is going on in my life and expecting them to come up with a solution.
And mostly there is nothing I can do to help them. Many a time it is a problem where the person they are in love with doesn't love them back. Sometimes, it is a break-up story.

Here is  the thing--you cannot make anyone love you. You might love them with all your heart. But they may not reciprocate. They may be busy. You might not be their kind. You might be too needy/clingy. They may not see anything in you.

And you know what---it is best for you to move on. That person you set your heart on is not the only one who is perfect for you. Such a thing doesn't exist. True love grows over many years of being with each other and still enjoying each other's company, doing things together, helping each other grow.
 And as much as you may doubt it now, the person you are meant to be with will surely come along.

Be patient if you are trying to find 'The One.'
And remember---you can be complete by yourself too. You do not need another person to make you feel whole. If  it happens, great.
If not the more time you spend with yourself, the more you learn to enjoy your own company.

Alone doesn't always mean lonely.
And 'together' doesn't always mean happy.
If you can relate to the above, you will love Vee, my protagonist in my latest book
#Ithappensforareason  Buy it:



  1. "Alone doesn't always mean lonely. And 'together' doesn't always mean happy" Loved these lines and they are very true. Sometimes we don't need someone to feel complete, we can be perfectly happy with ourselves too. I really love spending time with myself :)

  2. Very well said. I too appreciate and respect that 'me time'. We ourselves need to be our best friends and later befriend others. Loving ourselves is no crime its absolutely fine and human :)

  3. Immensely sensible post. Loving our own selves and enjoying our own company is the best thing we can ever gift to ourselves. The need for the love from "someone" would then be like the icing on the cake ( and not the entire cake !). We should work more on the recipe of the cake !

  4. "True love grows over many years of being with each other and still enjoying each other's company, doing things together, helping each other grow." LOVED THIS POST. I LIKE THE WAY YOU MAKE THINGS SIMPLE

  5. "Alone doesn't always mean lonely. And 'together' doesn't always mean happy" Very well said! Sometimes, I love being alone. I think, few moments of solitude declutters your mind. Allows you to 'think'. Sometimes, silence is bliss! :)

  6. a sensible thought...there is no use of loving a person who dont give a damn what you do..

  7. Always inspired by ur personal lyf,way of bringin up children,telin storis to dem,givin up corporat carier 4 family n utmost d most btful terac garden,so fond of readin thos.hats of to the succesful lady in u

  8. Alone doesn't always mean lonely. And 'together' doesn't always mean happy. This is 100% true. I never thought of this before and now that I read it over and over again, I realize that it makes sense. Sometimes, we all need to have a particular time of the day or night, where it's just 'me' I find my 'me time' by doing things which make me happy, such as writing a long e-mail to an old friend who I have not heard from in a very long time, or perhaps doodling/drawing freely, and my most favorite thing to do when I am alone is READ and when it's a book by you Preeti, it is even more worthwhile! When I read, I forget about the world and concentrate on the character and the story. I feel very relaxed to read about others' lives and see how they are doing. Oh, and yes, if a person does not love you, there is no point in waiting for them, because you are just wasting your time, when you could have been searching for someone else. Or better yet, be patient, put things in God's hands and let things happen when it should. After all, many things happen which we may not want to, and just like the title reads, "It Happens For A Reason!" Thanks for another amazing post to start my day!

  9. Greetings:

    how are you today?

    Thursday Poets Rally Week 80, You Are Invited, Free of Theme….Hope to see you in…

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    take good care,
    Thanks for the smiles!


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