Postcards from Lucknow (Blog marathon post 12)

Landed in Lucknow today. Lucknow is a beautiful place. I am having a FABULOUS time here. This is Rumi Darwaza, which is an amazingly beautiful gateway built under the patronage of Nawab Asaf Ud-daulah and is a brillant  display of Awadhi architecture.

This is the Chotta Imamwara built by Mohammed Ali Shah in 1839. If you are interested in it's fascinating history you could read it here.
Apart from the above I went around all of Lucknow, ate the amazing Makhan Malai , visited La Martiniers college and also went shopping. All thanks to Prof.Nishi Pandey who heads the department of English at Lucknow University, where I will also be giving a talk tomorrow, before my session at the Lucknow Litfest.

Then I take a flight to Delhi!

Signing off for now as I have had a long long day, travelled a long long way and have another hectic action-packed day tomorrow.

Good night and don't forget to leave me comments!

Nielsen bestseller .No. 7. Read it yet?

Tomorrow I would be giving a talk at the Lucknow University.


  1. Lucknow, the city of Nawabs and their Shan-o-Shoukat, would have been pleased as you came during your hectic life and sessions.
    Thanks for coming Lucknow. Will try to be tomorrow at Lucknow University.

    Good night and don't forget to leave me comments! :P

  2. Nice pictures and write-up.Do the lucknowites have luck now?

  3. lovely pictures, have fun!

  4. historical monuments have their own unique elegance! nd you too look great

  5. Thanks for the update. Nice photos. Have a wonderful time!

  6. It's really lovely.. Need to plan a visit..!!! :)


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